How soon can you get pregnancy symptoms?

Yes because that's exactly how I feel, AF is due on Saturday and I feel like I am just biding my time now. feeling a little down tbh.....

Oh well, guess there is always next month.

Thanks for the kind words - i'm being really proactive - decided to start taking temperature to help pinpoint ovulation and probably gonna buy a Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, so hopefully my chances will improve....

Oh, the waiting game - don't we just love it??!! Still early days memento_mori - fx for some good news on Thurs then....

Sorry you're down Karate Kid - i've been up and down all week - it's such a rollercoaster! I've found this forum really helpful though in the past few days to get info and support....

Hope the days go quick for you both . Good luck and let me know how you get on :) xx

Im six and half weeks, and i have sore breasts, but thats about it, a few dizzy spells, no sickness as yet:x

when my period was 5 days late thats when i was getting worried, i was due my period 13 october and did a test 23 november postitive:oooo:

I don't feel pregnant as its early days as my doctor explained...

Is this normal ???
Congratulations, everyone is different. All your symptoms might start all at once. xxxx
I saw the Dr yesterday and she said the blood tests came back so low for the dates that she didn't feel there was any hope for this to be a viable continuing pregnancy but it did at least acknowledge that I'd been right in my "knowing" about the presence of the baby. She said if I haven;t had any bleeding in a week she'll test again, but she expects my body should have dealt with things by then.

I'm sad, even though it was so very early. I won't have a chance to try again until March because my partner is working in the US for a few months now, and that makes it harder both to not have him around physically and to not be able to keep trying. I also have a really bad ear infection which I'm having to take a lot of strong meds for, so with that and last month's miscarriage my body and mind are totally exhausted and drained.

My best wishes are with those of you still waiting to ovulate and test this month.
Really sorry to hear that memento_mori.... It must be so frustrating for you and getting your hopes up like that is horrible. I really feel for you - you sound like you're pretty low right now. This might sound cheesy, but try to be as kind to yourself as possible and maybe think of this as a time to build yourself up mentally and physically so you can be ready to go when your partner comes back... Maybe try the 'waiting to try' part of the forum too, but obviously vent here if you want to.... Big hugs and I hope you get through this difficult time :hugs:xx
Thank you, lots.

I'm just feeling really sad that I don't get to properly grieve this time even though it's still a loss. It feels like it doesn't "count" because it was so early, even though I *was* pregnant, and for long enough for my body to know. Last month, even though it was only for less than a week that we finally trusted the tests and let ourselves properly come to terms with the idea of having a baby, we got to be excited and make plans and I had the chance to buy a little bear with a blanket comforter the day we got the results in words on a digi at last so that we could truly *believe*.

When we lost the baby my partner told me not to be sad but to remember that our baby wasn't planned but was lovingly conceived and will be lovingly remembered and that we made a life and shared it even though it wasn't with us long and we should focus on that.

He suggested we embroider (he learned sewing when he was in the army when he was young and has also been an art teacher, so it's not as strange as it seems!) the blanket with the words "lovingly conceived, lovingly remembered", so we spent a couple of evenings before he had to leave drinking wine and doing alternate letters, and I've just finished a copy of my favourite of the star tattoos from the constellation he has on his back for the centre of the blanket. I'm really happy with it, and I sleep with it now. We had a little remembrance evening the first day after I miscarried where we set of a sky lantern and cried together and smiled together. It was wonderful to get the chance to make happy memories so that thinking of that baby wouldn't be just sadness.

This time though I don't get to do that, and he couldn't be here, so it's really hard. He's doing absolutely the best he can from the distance he is at and reminding me we made life and loved them and will again and that he loves me, and telling me to read/have a warm bath/eat chocolate or ice cream/curl up in front of the TV and watch something mindless until I fall asleep etc. when he can tell I need it, but I'm still really lonely and sad. I know how very lucky I am that he's been so wonderful and understanding through all of this and that the losses have mattered to him as much as me even though they were so early, and I know we will try again and we will have our little family with my son as well but it seems so far away (even though I know it isn't and our plans were for it to be even further into the future until our surprise pregnancy).

Anyway...I'm just whining but I guess I needed to considering how teary I got typing it out, heh. Thzank you for letting me, and listening.

I think it counts and you definately have the right to grieve. Your partner sounds like a great guy though - what a sweet suggestion to do the embroidery :) That remeberance evening sounds lovely too....

Do you have a friend or relative you can call up, so you don't have to be alone at the moment? Cry as much as you want hon - you're not whining. I would be devastated if that happened to me, so do what you need to, to get it out. If you want to chat more, feel free to pm me...

Sending you hugs and warm thoughts , Claire xx
Thank you very much.

He really is. He's been really supportive and it actually even helped to have him break down in tears a few times even though he got upset about not being "strong" then because it let me know he was grieving too and gave me a chance to give comfort too. He's been really positive about it though and always reminding me of the good. I feel so bad for the huge number of people I see who don't get the support they need from their partners - it's very hard even with it.

My best friend lives an hour and a half away by train and he came down the same day that I miscarried to be with me through it because my partner had to travel from Texas as soon as I called him to let him know thinsg were going wrong and although he was on a plane within 3 hours it still took until the following afternoon. I was so very thankful that he got here so fast and that my friend could be here then but this time I'm on my own with it. My family don't know this time and were unsupportive last time, and all my close friends live much further. I told most of them last month but this time I don't feel like I have the right to.

Most of me knows it does count, but I'm finding it hard to give myself permission to grieve because I know other people would see it as nothing. My Dr said most people would just not have known and would just have had a slightly late and heavier period, but that perhaps unfortunately my body is sensitive to the hormones. I am glad that I knew, rather than have the life go unrecognised, but it's hard to knwo how to know what to feel or do. I think it still doesn't feel properly over either because I haven't bled yet. I think it will be hard when I do but at the same time I really need it. I think maybe also part of me finds it hard to recognise it as loss because then it's 2 babies lost with only a month between them and that's hard to think of. I feel guilty that this baby doesn't get the same reconition as our last though. It's all kinda messed up in my head at this point.
How you feeling today memento_mori? Really sorry you're not the getting the support you need from your friends/family. That must be very hard. I don't think it matters what others think - it's how you feel that counts and if you're upset, then you're upset. Like I said, I would be pretty devastated, especially as this isn't the first time it's happened to you. Stop beating yourself up for feeling bad! It sounds to me like you need to do something to recognise this loss. Ok, so your partner isn't there, but perhaps you could do something on your own? Maybe write the baby a letter, light a candle - anything. Talk it over with your partner - even if he's not there, i'm sure he'll help you think of something....

Anyway, i'm here if you need to get anything else off your chest - take care xx

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