How soon can I have an elective c-section


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Dec 25, 2012
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My (soon to be 2yr old) son's birth was quite traumatic and long. Back to back, in labour or 2 days before emergency c-section.

Am 37 weeks today with baby number 2 and despite some concerns, until now have been aiming for a vbac.

However, I have had a difficult pregnancy, and am now really suffering, severe carpal tunnel syndrome, restless legs and over past week feeling sick constantly. Plus complete fatigue, which has been suspected gestational diabetes, although tests were clear they said I still have slightly high blood sugars. SEVERE heartburn/indigestion and cannot sleep due to discomfort, am getting about 4/5 hours a night total.

Anyway my question is I am so uncomfortable and feeling ill now I am seriously thinking about an elective c-section, last baby was 10 days late, but want to know how soon they do it? Obviously I don't want my baby to be at risk, but I am now feeling I really cannot go on another 3/4 weeks!

I am not due to see midwife until 38weeks, so if I do want to go ahead (bearing in mind it's Xmas and Dr closed, would I call the consultant at the hospital??

Please don't think I've thought lightly about this, I have given it a long hard thought and just cannot cope, as my sister said my body just doesn't cope we'll with pregnancy :-(

I hope someone can help with advice, thanking you in advance xxx
Similar situation Hun I'm just over 36 weeks with second and my first was emergency ceasarean 13 months ago. I have consultant appt tomorrow afternoon to discuss delivery . I'm going to ask earliest anything can b done cz I'm not coping either . Ill let u know what's said :) xx
Good luck hope it goes well, apparently some people have said if you want an elective c section you might have to stand your ground as some hospitals try to push for a vbac.

TBh I was aiming for a vbac as I wanted to try and have it natural, especially as I had a 2 day labour and got to 9&1/2 cm dilated the midwives said would be a lot easier next time.

But I am just sooooo not coping especially with a little one (23months) like you.

I'll be looking out for your reply xx
I had an elective section after a very similar first experience to u and was taken in at 39 weeks for it x was told that's the earliest they like to do it unless there are other health risks to baby or mummy x I'm now 30 wks with baby 3 and again will be given a section at 39 wks x
39 weeks here too hun unless there is significant medical implications/complications
sorry your having a rough time of it.. just worth mentioning my story incase it helps...

Ive had 4 elective c-section births now, but first three were a good few years ago 99, 2001 and 2002, and in those days , (god I sound old!) , they liked tp do electives at 38 weeks or as near as, depending on what day of the week the sugeons mostly work! Elective is slightly different to emergency, has lots of plus points compared, but has one downside in my eyes, as you have no labour before you get to the section bit, the fluid in babys lungs called surfactant , does not get squeesed out by the baby moving down birth canal etc.. so they are born (plucked from uterus beforehand), and have breathing difficultlys due to this fluid..

I had first baby at 38 weeks exactly - he had wet lungs (grunting) , was in scbu for 2 weeks, I left hosp without him, awful.

I had second baby at 39 weeks plus 1 day - he was fine best birth experiance ever (my baby was with me from birth and not whisked away)

I had third baby at 37 plus 5 - she again had wet lungs and went to scbu after 3 hours and was in hosp for 7 days.. She then had feeding issues and we had to feed with a nose tube till we left.

Last baby in 2011, was born at 39 plus 1 , and again lovely experiance, managed to breastfeed for first time and baby never left our side...

I really would agree with docsm that 39 weeks plus to be best for baby, and it's not like you can get to hosp for a scbu baby with not driving after section and esp as you have an older child to care for too.

Good luck, hope they can fit you in , when you can get in touch with them..
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Hi JJ mum,

Thank you so much for the info, I have to say I completely forgot the process of an elective c section would be different to an emergency section! Of course it will be more controlled and not caught on the hop so to speak. Which makes me feel better!!!

I rang the hospital today and they carry them out at 39 weeks, as I'm 37 +1 they said not to panic I still have time, have to call back tomorrow morning to book appt...

Looking at your experience it seems if the baby is born at 39 weeks the wet lung issue is resolved and clear, so hopefully that will be fine, but now I know about it I can ask when I call tomorrow!!

One thing I wanted to ask was, did you find the latter sections easier and faster on recovery??
I have a few friends at toddler group who had em section first which was hard recovery, followed by elective second time round which they found they recovered from a lot quicker and with slightly less pain.....

Thanks again Hun for the advice xxx
yes I found the second one 2 years later much easier, I think my num tum had not recovered fully like the nerve endings etc so pain less there second time round.. and plus you know what your doing, know how best to move to save pain and no how hard you can push yourself... much better.

You will be fresh and not knackered from labour etc first and so that helps, and you look lovely in your pics... ha ha I had a 9 year gap between section 3 and section 4 and felt that I had returned to the first section again...

i had a 5th section (without baby 4-5 weeks ago) all the same except no uterus layer cut. for my tube repair, and recovered quicker than last time 2 years ago, so think thats the same again tum still numbish...

Glad you have plenty of time still and can ask them in the morning for a date etc...,
Yes 39 weeks is a good time to go, and wet lung risk much lower, I forget the numbers, but I was given stats on it, and my experiance echos that with both my pre 39 week babys getting it..

Elective is soo calm and a really nice experiance (not that Iv'e had otherwise), also good for a date for childcare arrangements.....
Hi Hun! Only read your post so girls prob already told you what you need to know already....

My hospital didn't do requested c sections till 39 weeks as long as baby ok, my princess was delivered at 39+2

Hiya. No experience of csections but read your post and wondered if you re low on iron? Tat can make you very tired. I used spatone from holland and Barrett. Was skeptical but after 2-3 days I felt a lot better.
Hope ou feel better soon. Late pregnancy can be very hard, just listen to your body.
I know my sil had an elective and it was done two days before her due date, so you have plenty of time to book in, my best friend didnt find out her baby was breech until a few days before she was due and they managed to book her in for an elective the following appointment (monday after the weekend) good luck xx
Well had appt! Won't do section until 39 weeks and if trying for vbac allowed to go 12 days over to go myself if not can b induced. Have a scan in 2 weeks though to keep eye on baby growth and to make my final decision on my mod xx
well good luck you have time to think about it at least if you want to wait another week and try vbac or if you want to have section at 39 week. suppose it will all depend if you feel any better or if it gets worse. good luck xx
My friend's having an elective c-sec after difficult labour and emergency c-sec with her son.

The docs have told her she'll have it by the 9th Jan at the latest.
She's due the 11th, same as me.

She not happy, lol :)
Think she's gonna push for it quicker. X

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