How old and what does your baby weigh?

Noa is 9month and 18lbs 3oz :love: he's stayed on 25th thank god
Tomos is nearly 9months and he now weighs 17 and a 1/2 pounds. Looking at him now you'd never know he was a little premmie.

He weighs more than Isla! She was only 16lb 1 last Tuesday. Yay Tomos!

Oh wow Mablestar!! Devon was the nearest due baby to Tomos - due the week after Tomos was, before he went and arrived really early!

Devon weighed 17 lb 30z about 4 weeks ago - so Tomos has caught right back up with his due date! Well done ...

Getting Devon weighed tomorow as I want to check he is still ok in the baby carrier, we must be over weight for it soon!!
Ooo i havent' added Drake to this.

He was weighed 3 weeks ago @ 40 weeks and he was 20lbs 14oz. He's just a smidgen under the 75th centile.
Got Layla weighed today @ 7months 1 week old and she was 18lb 11.5oz! on 75th centile!

JJ - Baby carrier? is that the "car seat" part of a travel system pram? If so, I checked online about ours, and for Graco - it's suitable for up to 29lbs!!! Basically up to an average of 9 months. However, anyone needing or thinking about car seats check out as they have a HUGE sale on at the moment! Including a car seat to cover 9 months - 11 years for only £29.97!!! Massive reductions in their sale... :) xx
Just back from getting Jake weighed and he is 15lbs 8ozs. He's 8 weeks and 1 day old today!
Just back from getting Jake weighed and he is 15lbs 8ozs. He's 8 weeks and 1 day old today!

That's what Matthew was on Thursday at 25 weeks! Lol
amelia is 32 weeks (8months) and she now weighs 14lb 7ozs and is now on the oth centile yipee
Alex is 34 weeks (8months on Friday) and is 18lbs 8oz
Georgie is 7 weeks today and was weighed yesterday she is 11lb 8oz - I think she needs to slow down lol X
Does he look chunky? I love chunky babies! Charley's getting to heavy to carry!
Yeah he's proper chunky, not overly though like he really does need a diet lol hes too heavy to carry too, after about 3 seconds I have to sit down :rofl:
Sophia hadn't been weighed since she was 6 weeks old, eak! Took her yesterday though, she's 6 3/4 kgs.
Oz was 31 weeks yesterday and today weighs 20lb 6oz :love: Fwd facing car seat here we come!!
Jake has just been weighed at 16lbs 5ozs and is 10 weeks and 1 day old
zak was weighed last about 2 weeks ago and was 19lb exactly ! x

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