How much .....

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i've spent under £50 on both of my two! they've got a kitchen set and an aquadraw that was in argos 3for2, which i got katies birthday present with as well! i'm looking to get them a little set of family people aswell, because they dont have any people, plus i want them to know the "proper" family set up of mummy, daddy and children cos they dont have a clue about that! i dont buy toys throughout the year unless i really need to cos they're running low/grown out of them, so i get things that will last for xmas and birthdays! and their bithdays are in november too! all in all i've spent under £100 for both their xmases and birthdays! god knows what their father will spend, but thats up to him and he doesnt send their presents round to mine, so he's likely to get a load of things they'll grow out of very quickly and will only play with for a few hours once a week :wall:
yeah i guess so lol they are happy anyway with what they get so its all good :)
Iv spent £250 each on my older two but their PSP's took up a fair whack of that so it doesn't look like they've got many presents to open..Oh well. I doubt it will matter to them thankfully. I'll just load their stockings up with cheap bits n bobs.
I'll prob spend about £100 on my LO..

If I could get away with spending less on the older ones I would but things are so expensive these days :(

I think less is def more tbh ladies....we dont have to sepnd a fortune on them to make them happy....this is kinda something that really plays on my mind the last few years....Im def more for showing my DD and this lo when he/she arrives the true meaning of christmas and not how much they get spent on them....good on you all for keeping it real xxx
yea, to me xmas is more about family and stuff! i dont want the kids to grow up thinking its just about how many presents you get and stuff!
yea, to me xmas is more about family and stuff! i dont want the kids to grow up thinking its just about how many presents you get and stuff!

Totally agree with you....I hear friends saying they are spending up to a £1000 on their kids and I just shudder or that they cant wait to get wasted...grrrrrrrr!!

Im not particularly religous but the true meaning of christmas is long gone in general and its def up to us to make sure our kids know that presents is not what or all its about!!

Go you xxx
you know what i love christingle :) ive loved it since primary school
Ah def Midnight.....I just LOVE everything about traditional values and christmas and look forward to teaching it all to the new baby when he or she is a little older and can understand xxx
wilma i think ur dd knows how much u love her and u def show her love!! and im going by ur facebook statuses!! u r so soppy and i always think its soo sweet :) xx
Ah thanks Lisa....yeah you know what its like...our kids are just so precious arnt they.....I couldnt imaginge life without her and wouldnt want it either lol but yeah we are very close, I am very sloppy and she is too lol!! Were just big sloppy family lol! ha! I said to David tonight...why dont you get the decorations out and me and Kate will sort them out while your out tomorrow....he was horrified at the thought and said...'NO'...thats our ;putting the trees n lights up' family christmas tradition that we will be doing next fri and your not doing it without me lol!! Ha we just cant help ourselves lol xxx
ah thats class were like that too :D my family cant pee without everyone knowing and i wudnt have it any other way!! :d xx
omg i want some christingles in my house this year! and i agree with lisa, wilma! i love your statuses about your family! i loved how yous were snuggled up on the sofa this morning! i'm not like that with my mum, but my sister is ad i wish i was!
Ahhh thanks Alice....I really miss my mam who I was also really very close to, and love that me and Kate are very close and at 16 she still wants to and loves a snuggle with mother hen lol!!
Sorry your not that close to your mam but you have two gorgeous girls who you can have lots of snuggles with ...... priceless..... xxx
Oh looks like I go over the top with my kids! They are both the first of my parents
Grandchildren I got spoilt growing up! Hmm my 5year old got an iPod touch for his bday :/ he's 5
Then he's Gettin a laptop from his dad this year an DVD player portable ouch didn't realise how much I spent
An I've got 2 Jesus! Am kinda lucky as at 24 my parents give me £100 for christmas :) x

I'd say my budget was £100 but can't say I've ever spent this if anything I go over by around 90-100 pound! Ouch :/
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