How do you wrap yours???

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I'm shite at wrapping!! I get so frustrated :( lol I usually buy one colour for Rhys and one colour for ffion then another colour for joint presents and mine and colins presents!
I love wrapping but I just put them in any paper I happen to find in the house lol x

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Oh I have to do the whole ribbon and paper co=ordinating thing. I have a tool to make ribbon flowers with too and pinecones and things they are fabby. The only problem is some people then don't want to open them lol but hey ho :)
ha love it Sol.....ah I just love it all....cant wait to start wrapping up xx
i always wap in coordinated colur with mathing ribbon and on special presents put a little tree decoration on the outside and they look so pretty but family always save the ribbon and tree decorations so can use them again so not to expensive once you get started xx
Ooooo the first pressie arrived yesterday so I have something to wrap oooooooooooooooooo am all excited :)
i think im going to go with personalised ribbon this year for each of my kids :)
Oh I like personalised ribbon idea!!! Nice!

Yeah Ive just about finished all my shopping so I cant wait to start wrapping now....I wait a little while tho, make a pot of mulled wine....non alcoholic of course and get wrapping while I play christmas carols in the background...ahhh I love
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