How much have you spent today thread

£71 in Asda
£28 in boots (bought W a Trunkie)
£20 in Next
£22 on a dominos for dinner
Yesterday £65 in Sainsbugs
£9 on sand paper
£12 takeaway

Today nothing :)

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£27 on Ebay
£12 in Aldi on stuff for a cooked breakfast and chocolate!
I've spent nothing since Tuesday as been in hospital but I know my OH has spent about £200 on petrol and food in this time. Surely that counts!! Xxx
:shock::shock:Friday £183 on shopping at morrisons never going there again
Last night £14 on take away and hopefully nothing today
£20 on Chinese last night, OH bought the wine.

£10 today on a dress on ebay.

£22 in next - curtains and bedding ;£50 gift card used.

£5 in costa

£15 Aldi

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£8 in Aldi and for that I got...10 eggs, Brocolli, Parsnips, Halloumi, Milk and big bar of choccie :D

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£3.60 in bus fares
£4.00 in the grand national sweep stake at work

Today I've made myself £40 :D!

Spent £1 in parking
£30 on petrol
I've spent
£135 at asda
£75 on a new mattress for my daughters new bed
£30 petrol
£120 for my husky puppy
£15 for sky to be installed

thats my spending for the week lol should be month
185 on a new oven.
8 on drinks at the cavery

pregnant with baby no 2 ;)
sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 excuse my terrible spelling :P
£11 in M&S same in Sainsbury's

Had a bit of a mental week last week which included £50 on dinner Thursday night and probably about another £50 on Saturday when I met some friends. Plus £15 on Domino's last night :shock:

Credit card took a beating!

£11.70 on random stuff at work!

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