How much do you spend?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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I'm not going to wean until about 6 months, but I was just wondering for those who have weaned/are weaning, has your weekly shopping gone up in cost? How much do you spend extra on food for your LO?
I am a very fussy eater so there will be extra things I will buy for Lizzie that I wouldn't normally get, like bananas, mango etc and it all adds up when you're on a small budget!

Also, because babies have such small portions to begin with and fruit/veg doesn't keep that long, do you find you get wasted food?

Maybe I should just learn not to be so fussy :wall2:
Our shop hasn't gone up because he just eats what we eat. I don't salt any food anyway from having DD so haven't had to change that much.

If you're looking at doing BLW, yes there is a little waste but not much it's mainly because they play with the food and not much gets eaten at first, lots goes on the floor.

You could look at getting something new every week rather than lots of new things all at once. Like if you eat pears and apples you could get pears, apples and then one thing you don't eat like mango.
Oh and the waste isn't from uneaten fresh produce it's more from him dropping little bits on the floor :)
I buy things that we eat, like pears, sweet potato, carrots and make sure I make and freeze Islas food before it goes to waste. I do buy jars, normally 10 or 12 for £5. A jar lasts one day for Isla.

Buy loose fruit and veg to cut your costs xx

well I was just saying to my mum that I have made up and frozen enough lunch and dinners for Ellie for about a month and I can honeslty say that the fruit and veg must have cost no more that a tenner x
Mines prob gone up a fiver cos of extra fruit and veg. Otherwise he has what we eat x.
I'd say mine has prob gone up about £10 as I never really ate much fruit and veg so it's an added expense, I also buy baby porridge, fruit pots and yoghurts xxx
I froze everything in little containers like mashed potato, mashed carrots etc. Banana doesn't freeze though lol. So not that much waste really.
My food bill has gone up by about £12 a week but thats because I havent started making babies food yet. LO has porridge in the morning which costs a pittance its around £2 for a box and a box does at least 2 weeks worth of servings. He has an Ella's kitchen pouch for his dinner every day and they are a pound each so over a week thats £7 quid then he also has a cow and gate fruit pot, about £3 for a weeks worth.
My OH has been working loads the last two weeks and ive been looking after LO on my own and havent had much time for anything which is no excuse but as soon as OH has some time off ill be starting to make up batches of food which should be much much cheaper x
mine hasnt gone up much as he drinks less milk. tbh i buy the fruit pots at the mo until he can chew more then i will buy him fresh fruit. But i freeze a load of veg for him but i do buy the baby porridge as he loves it and the little desserts!! Boots have a 3 for 2 at the mo on jars and it works out cheaper than tesco and asda!!

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