How much did you lo weigh?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Ky's just had his 16week jabs (thankgod they're the last for a while!) :dance: He was 7lbs 2oz born and now at 17 weeks he weighs 13lbs 13oz. I though this was pretty normal but i was talking to a lady with her 8 week old and he was the same weight born but hes now 13lbs at 8 weeks!

Im a bit worried now ky's not puttin on enough weight? the midewife said he was a slow gainer.

How much was your LO born and how much were they then at 16weeks just out of interest.
We have her jabs next week but at 13 weeks she was 11lb 13oz. (Born 7lb 3oz)
yeh at 13 weeks ky was dead on 13lbs so in another 4 weeks hes only gained 13oz? :think:

Hes not a skinny baby really....just long!
Lily on gained 14oz between 9 weeks and 13 my HV wasnt worried at all she said she is doing fine. Which centile is he on?
I dont understand that centile stuff um lol on his graph hes literally just above the 25th mark
8lb 14oz (4.04Kg) and at 15 weeks shes near on 14lbs 12oz(6.7kg) now...but shes a big lass :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Dont worry about them being a slow weight gainers, some babies just are my daughter is and you have to learn to ignore the comments as they are bloody annoying.
As long as hes healthy, eating and drinking well please dont panic!
Can't remember wit Jess and I lost her red book.
Aimee was 8lb 11oz born and at 17 weeks she was 13lb 12oz.
Nathans was 9lb 5oz born and at 17 weeks he was 17lb 1oz.
Huge difference!
Ellie was 7lb 110z born and at 14 weeks was 13lb 14oz but not had her weighed since :)
christopher was 10lbs 14.5oz at birth and he is now 16 months and 24lbs :lol:
All babies are different, your LO is neither over or under as long as he's feeding well and happy :hug: :hug: :hug: This thread will show how weights differ, but all the babies are still well and growing just fine :hug: :hug: :hug:

Isaac was born 8lb 2oz, at 13wks he weighed 15lb 5oz, don't know his 16wk, but at 18wks he was 17lb 1oz, and he now weighs 24lbs 9oz'ish :D
at birth melissa was 3.38kg or 7 pounds 7 and a half ounces.

at 18 weeks 5 days she was 6.95kg or 15 pounds and 5 ounces.

she was just below 50th centile at birth then she quickly gained weight and was on 75th until she was about 25 weeks then she dropped just below 50th again, then at about 38 weeks she crept back up to 75th! im expecting her to start dropping down again now as she has started crawling, walking and climbing.
Oliver was 9lbs born and is now just over 15lbs at 16 weeks, so he's also put on 6lbs since birth.
I agree witn Mrs Tommo. Bbaies are so different just like people. Even my two are very different, Seren was on the 50th centile at 13 weeks and Cally is alreadsy going over the 98th at 10 weeks. I really never ever go on weight, I just see that hey are growing (albeit frast or slow), are alert and giving me wet nappies. The centiles themselves are being dispouted saying they are leading to obesity as mums feel that their children have to follow them religiously. I stopped getting Seren weighed as it was stressing me out too much and I was too busy comparing her to other babies and missing out on her being her.
Maddison was born 4lbs 15oz and at 17 weeks was 12lbs 3oz. She is 17lbs 3oz now at 8 months old :D
Layla was 6lbs 3 oz when born and then lost 10% of her body weight in the first 2 weeks. At her last weigh in at 11 wks she is 10 lbs 11 oz
Agree with beanie - I haven't had DD weighed since she was about 9 months old, she is happy and healthy and that's all I care about.

However, Green bean was 13lb11oz at 6 weeks, but you can't compare him to your LO as he was 10lb12oz at birth - every baby is different, like us- the more you worry the more they will do things to stress you out :hug:

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