how much did your LO weigh?

My son was born at 37wks +4d@ 5lbs 11oz and my daughter was born at 38wks +5d@ 6lbs 7oz. Both healthy.
both of mine weighed 7lb 3 and both were born at 42 weeks.
Hollie was 8lbs4oz at 39+5 (emerg c section)

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Jld I was wondering about you and your little girl the other day, how are you doing now? x

9lbs @ 40+4 weeks and 9lb 5oz @ 39+1 weeks. Really hoping Im not going to end up with an even bigger baby this time lol!
My first was 10lb 1oz(ouch!!) and he was 9 days early!! This one I'm hoping won't be that big, I pray!!!! :-
Alex was 7lb 12oz when he was born, at 39+1.

I've just had him weighed today and he is 7lb 9oz, but doing really well.
had him at 41+3 Weighed 9lb 8oz.

1 week old today and weighs 9lb 9oz.
Midwives are amazed as they expected him to lose up to 10% of his weight because he was such a big baby but he's put it on :)

Boobie Milk is doing good!! x
Albert was 6lb on the button and everyone keeps saying how tiny he is but he isn't really he's just got to grow into his baggy knees xxxxxxx
Alyssa was 10lb 14oz born at 40+4 no forceps or ventouse needed. just episiotomy and gas and air with diamorphine when pushing only
Dylan Conner was born 14 years ago by emergency c-section at 36 weeks weighing 5lb 5ozs.

Andrew Jason (AJ) born 16/3/12 by emergency c-section at 37 + 5 days weighing 6lb 5ozs.

My gorgeous boys. xx

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