How many people...


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2007
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...have had a tv program/film/radio program...any type of media, influence their choice of favourite names?

I know I certainly have! :lol: It's surprising how we let these things have an impact on personal preferences isn't it?!

A lot of my favourite names are from the TV show, Neighbours lol...many of the names they've used which i like, are names which i would never have liked if they hadn't been in the show! gah, what a loser i am! :lol: :oops: :lol:
Jamies second name is Tyler from OHs fave film Fight Club, my son is named after Brad Pitt lol!! :rotfl:
Braydons name came from Brandon which i had seen on telly somewhere cant remember which programme tho
if he been a girl hed have been a Breigh-anna that came from the programme one on one, on trouble
I tend to want to avoid the names in soaps ,BB etc as the become popular often
well my favorite singer ever is bob marley... and i love his song if my husband andmines first child is a girl, it would be named Marley Kaya :)
my name came from someone in a movie or something.
everyone always says when i tell them alfies name say "ooooooo after alfie moon" i just say "no i just like the name" i dont think theres anything wrong with chosing a name from a prog though as long as you like it, Skyla i liked that for a girl but my brother refuses to let me use it lol
i chose the name Harley after the bloke in footbalers wives, the one that went out with shannon. he was fit :lol:
dionne said:
i chose the name Harley after the bloke in footbalers wives, the one that went out with shannon. he was fit :lol:

lol i always think of the Harley from FW when i see his name on here - he was really fit wasnt he??? does your OH know why you called Harley after him ? :wink: :lol:
i swear i will throttle the next person who either sings the "who the f*** is alice?" or trys to make a joke about alice in wonderland.

i picked alices name because i fell in love with it.

does any one remember when the teletubbies first became big and some mum named her baby laa laa?!
I think it would be hard to choose a more traditional or favourite name that no-one could associate to some actor or otherwise, I guess it's inevitable. I suppose that's why there's lots more new names appearing, I know of two baby girls just born being called Asta and Amara, which I think are gorgeous but have never heard them before.
As long as Mummy and Daddy love the name, doesn't matter who else has it :D
The name ive chosen for my LO is from my favourite book of all time, a really old fashioned classic, its also been made a film..beautiful!
DH wants to call the boy "Rab" from the telly programme thing, i cant stand it but DH loves the damn thing! :rotfl:

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