How many is left?

:wave: I am also still here. Started trying in July 2007 ( 1 chemical pregnancy in August and m/c October 07.
Babydust to all...

I lurk in here had a MC last november and well i guess have TTC this past month, thro i did said id let fate happen :oops: We'll see what happens going to test soon as late this past month BFN's so far?!??! Keeping everything crossed!
Im here too!
TTC #4 since Feb 2008, 1 month :D lol
Im here too!
TTC #4 since Feb 2008, 1 month :D lol
Woah I didn't realise there were so many of us! So many new little babies in the future! :dance: :dance:
Woah I didn't realise there were so many of us! So many new little babies in the future! :dance: :dance:
I think we should have bets of how many of the 61 TTCers will get a BFP this month. (from now until end of March)

I'll go first - I think there will be 7 BFP's :dance:
still waiting to enter my TWW, but the big O is a no show and I'm on CD15. Hopefully not too much longer. Been trying since Jan 07, with x2 early M/C's.
How did i miss this thread? :shock:

I've been trying for a whole year :cry: i think i've been on the forum for about that long or just under. I was a lurker here before i signed up :lol:
if you are not on here, let me know and i will add you on

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