How many is left?

already got you down flossy

That now makes 50 of us
I have been browsing on here more this last few weeks and i didn't think there were may left in here but 50 god.

Hospitals are gonna be busy end of this year - isn't that right girls :cheer:
im here but only just got here :wave:
ttc baby number 4 since march :D
Thanks chocolate monkey

Loola. hope you dont mind me copying your thread. :oops:

Please keep it updated, i knew there was one somewhere

Not at all!! :D

I cant wait to hear about everyones BFPs! :cheer:

I am still waiting for a BFP and been trying since September 2007.

This is my first cycle of trying again since I lost my LO in January.
This is my 2nd cycle...Wouldn't it be nice if we all got BFP's next month!!! :pray:
It would be brill,

think we could squeeze into first tri
I'm sure they'll make room for us...and if not...we can force our way in!!! :lol:
I think we might have to barracade there is 55 of us so far.

They'll have to make a new section for us

wow well done Kelly, 55 of us :shock: I reckon if we all get our BFP's this cycle Clearblue will go out of business
theres quite a gang of us!!

Roll on BFP

Baby dust to all!!!! :pray: and fingers crossed
Thanks for adding me hun.

This'll be number 3 though not number1 :D
I'll change it to #3 for you.

I am going to try and fix my camera tonight so i can show you all my 3 faint lines to see what you think.
Me :wave: I'm still here.

TTC since Oct 06

Good luck to everyone on here

TTC again after late m/c in january, so been trying since last month (feb 2008)

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