how many days before OV to conceive?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Just a question. How many days before OV did you have intercourse and still conceived? Hubby and I had intercourse today (day 9 of my cycle) and I am thinking if this could make me pregnant :eh: (I don't think so). Usually I ovulate between day 15 and 16 so this is definetely too early for this, but last month I ovulated at day 13 (which would be only 4 days after day 9).

I didn't see any cervical fluid just let. Only a little bit of lotiony stuff today (but we also had intercourse two days ago and I leeked sperm until yesterday, hope this is not tmi). I am not sure if the lotiony stuff I found today was still sperm or cervical fluid. What do you guys think? Can you still leek sperm after so many days?

Do you also think I could get pregnant if we were to have intercourse on day 10???

thanks you so much in advance.
Hi hun, sorry, cant help with the OV stuff, its not my strong point but when it comes to the leaking sperm, me and OH last had sex while I was OV on Weds 5th May and last week, around Tues/Weds I went to the loo and had a really strong smell of sperm (sorry, tmi!)...its all very strange to me!
Sorry I cant really be any help but good luck hun and hope someone else has some answers for you.
thank you for the reply don't worry that you don't have any ideas on it. :)
Apparently sperm can live for 3 days in you...not sure whether that is true or not.

Hey helen with regards to knowing if your still leaking sperm of if its EWCM...try stretching it between your fingers as you would normally. Sperm doesnt stretch like EWCM does....hope this helps xxx
The month I concieved we were using opk's and had sex on cd13 but didn't ovulatetill cd17 so that's a 4 day difference. We didn't BD after cd13 even though i had a positive opk on cd17 cos OH was "too tierd" men grrr so I thought we were out that month but we wasn't!! Hope this helps and you get your bfp!!
Hi Helen, I always cover my bases , to give myself the best chance by bedding all three days prior to OV , OV day and the day after ( so a 5 day window), think I OV'd at a different time to when I thought I did so previously no luck with this method.

Last month we then saw ECWM (hadn't ever seen the difference before last mth), two days after OV when we had stopped bedding for the month, and so raced to Bed twice more, and got pregnant. :lol:
I would love to know if I got pregnant from the first batch or the emergancy bedding Tho! :eh:

Good luck, hope you get your BFP soon
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