How many CM did you get to before you asked for pain relief?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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In labour, I know everyone's pain threshold is different but just wondered how far your cervix was dilated in CM before it was time for you to hit the pain relief? :think:
I had been at 2cm for 6 hours when I asked for pethadine.

It doesn't sound much when you hear of mums who do it all on nothing but I was induced and it all felt so forced and unnatural which I think added to the pain and discomfort. Plus, being on the ward I couldn't have the gas and air which I'd have preferred.
i was a couple then they offered me a tens machine. I was having a lot of pain because of the gel aparently. They gave me a half does of pethadine to help me sleep and i couldn't have been more than 3 cm (no exam so not 100% sure). waters broke and was 4 cm, and they gave me another half dose of pethadine.

About 4-6 cm (it was between two exams so not 100% sure) i asked for gas and air. Then at some point after that i was given a full dose of pethadine.

Everyone is different though. I hate pain and become very vocal and turn into a wimp :oops: . Others can handle it better.

But then i did arrive at the hospital already 1cm dliated!!!
With my youngest I was only 17 and a complete wuss when it came to pain! My labour was only 4 hours and I dont remember much about it but I do remember asking for pethadine and they only gave it to me at the last minute (too late in and it can effect the baby apparantly) but I had been on gas and air until then.

With my 2nd I was 2 weeks + 4 days overdue so I went in to be induced, having what I thought was braxton hicks, but when they examined me prior to inducing me I was already 4cm so just had gas and air and 2 hours later out she popped!

With my 3rd (who sadly only survived 3 hours) he was 9/10 weeks prem so was quite small and I didnt have any pethadine just gas and air, labour was only about 4 hours again then.

Yes you can all hate me and my easy labours now lol
i was bout 8 when i wanted an epidural but decided not to:)
With Alfie I used a tens till I was 8 cm then had an epidural, wish I hadn't really as it only took on one side and made the labour last longer as they have to hook you up to machines then to monitor heart rate of baby. I wou;d def recommend the tens though it was a god send and I'm a wimp!
Good Luck
With Alfie I used a tens till I was 8 cm then had an epidural, wish I hadn't really as it only took on one side and made the labour last longer as they have to hook you up to machines then to monitor heart rate of baby. I wou;d def recommend the tens though it was a god send and I'm a wimp!
Good Luck

i agree, but i didn't relise how much the tens was doing until they took it off.

the wire came off the pad though and was shocking me in the bum for ages until i had the guts to ask someone why my bum was stinging :oops:
hi there with my first i had gas and air and with my second i had nothing, and my second was 2 lb heavier then my first.
I got to 8cm before I asked for anything. I wanted an epidural but was told that it was too late to have one so just had gas and air after I got to 8cm until I started to push :)
with my first i had gas and air when i was 9 and a half cm, with my second i had nothing at all apart from the nice warm birthing pool (didnt have her in there in the end tho) and with my son i was fully dilated and had some gas and air on the way to the hospital and he was born after 9 mins of reaching the hospital
With my first they took me down to get epidural at 3cm. With Aimee they took my down at 5cm and i had pethadine at about 7cm. I did have a nice warm bath when i was about 4cms and it worked wonders.
i was induced and had pethadine at 4cm, about 6hrs into labour, then after another hour i was still 4cm had G and A 11 hrs after labour started and i was just 5cm i had an epidural and things moved quickly after that had Alfie at 3.04pm
i was 8 cm when i had epidural with kie because i had to have him turned because he was laid wrong and i didnt have anything until c section with hannah and she was stuck
mine is confusing altho they say i was 3 cms wen i got to hospital, i think i was further, but by the time i was asking for pain relief it was to late as i went from 3 cms to having Braydon in 40 mins or so they say
I was 9cm when I arrived at hospital and had gas & air shortly after.
Unfortunately my little lady didn't want to come out and I had an epi and was taken to theatre for assisted delivery.
I was Induced and used Tens Machine once I started to get quite strong contractions & I used that untill I was 10cm I didnt ask for anymore pain relief but the Midwife gave me Gas & Air for pushing but I spent all my time biting down on the mouth piece instead lol. My Labour was only 1hr 35mins though so when it came to pushing i didnt see the point in pain relief as i had got that far without it.
From as soon as I had the tablet inserted I was in complete agony and one of the midwives saw how much pain I was in and asked me if I wanted something so I said "anything" so I had 2 paracetamol, 2 codeine and and a diclofenac and I was only allowed these every 4 hours I think it was because with the pain I was in, I was begging for more but they couldn't give me anymore! When I was 6 cm at 11 am the next morning, they broke my waters and the midwife asked if i'd like pethadine so I said yes and that's the first thing I had then 3 hours later when I was ready for pushing I had the gas and air
I was about 3-4 but i was stuck at that for hours, i dont think it's the matter of being dialated it's how long you can actually take the pain for, with me being 3-4 for ages contractions still got stonger but i was still only at 3-4, i was on a drip too though which made them more painful.
I got to 8cm dilated then wanted pain relif but the MW said i was too to get it, i never had any, but ive got a high pain tolerance XkelX

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