How long will you breastfeed for?


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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My baby is 15 weeks old and I am planning to breastfeed until he can have cows milk at 1 year old and never give formula. I have just read that only 7% of babies Re exclusively breastfed at 6 months and that the WHO recommends breastfeeding with solids for 2 years!

Just wondering what others were planning to do?
I'm planning to breast feed until he's on solids or teeth appear!
Planning to BF exclusively for 6 months then start BLW. Planning to express after that to give Georgia her last milk of the day as breast milk.
I'm still feeding as G's milk supply, he's gradually cutting out the feeds for food but I will be continuing until he is a year old (at least).
I introduced 1 bottle a day from 5 month, I'm mixed about it as the formula made my skinny boy finally getting some weight on him bit by 7 month he refused boob n only wanted bottle which made me feel rejected. I would have liked to bf for a year and if I ever have another I will try my hardest to avoid formula x

( actually makes me feel really down that I didn't manage to bf for longer n I miss it soooo much)
I fed Lilly exclusively until she was 7 months, then did boob + solids, she's now on 1 feed at 4am and that's it, she decided that. She's never had formula as she hates it. I'll feed her until she decides she's done.

breastfed my daughter till 10 months and my son till 15 months but his was more of a comfort thing, i plan on breastfeeding my next till around a year x
I was going to try to make it til oscar was 1 and could have cows milk, but now pregnant again my nipples are so sore from him latching on and off I can't take the pain any more and have started weaning him onto formula from a cup. First cup last night and he loved it, thank god. Think my milk has changed taste already coz he keeps pulling off and looking at my nipple like WTF is this? lol Also, I read that colostrum kicks back in from around 4/5 months gestation so really need to start weaning him now. Feel sad about it though!
been feeding bubba for 8 months now. i dont want to ever stop!
he has 2 bottom teeth an doesnt bite much, but those top teeth look like there coming through soon! im scared lol.
just want to feed for as long as possible. x
I have been breastfeeding my son for over 40 months, and he is now down to maybe once a week. I also have a daughter who is 6 months. Bother have never received formula. My son has a full set of teeth and easily nurses without causing me any pain. I've enjoyed everything about nursing and hope to continue for a long time to come.
My LO is 14 months and still breast fed. I plan on carrying on until he is at least 2 :)
It's really nice to read there are mums out there who plan to feed for a long time, it boosts your confidence about breast feeding!
Alex is 5 month and still feeding lots. He has some solids but his main food is boobymilk :D Ilove it and will continue as long as he wants too.
I will continue to breastfeed Jasper until he is 2 or 3 at which point i will distract wean him :)
Are babies better off with breastmilk than formula or cows milk over the age of 1? I just assumed that over 1 year old cows milk was better for them. I love bf it's tiring but love the closeness... Dreadig giving up :) xx
Cows milk is only better for cows. Even for adults human milk is better, cows milk is actually not that good for us at all, its got very few nutrients that a human stomach can digest.
If I think about cows milk too much I could easy go vegan! It's gross when you think about it and a bit cruel to the calves! Booby milk has to be better for babies, not that I would want it as an adult!!
Someone said to me the other day in a rather disgusted tone of voice, "you're still breastfeeing? How old is he now?" I wanted to slap them. Um, 3.5 months, and excuse me for wanting to do the best for my baby for the longest time and not PAY for formula, when I can get something better free! Really incensed me.
formula is basically cows milk that has been dehydrated and then treated so that human stomachs can take in the nutrients it contains (because very few get through our gut flora)

thats why that awful 'cow and gate' advert was banned, the one with a woman saying 'did you know that you would need this much milk to get enough iron' because it didnt point out that all the iron in breastmilk can be readily absorbed by the body (without consitpation and so on) which cannot be said for formula or cows milk!

Formula is heavily modified to make it safe for babies, and it does a great thing, it grows babies, but its NOT breastmilk , breastmilk changes as your baby gets older, as its hotter in the day... your nipples receive information through your baby to make the antibodies in your body produce the right things to help your baby

for example we just all had a cold, Jasper fed more because his nose was blocked and breastmilk unblocks it (another thing it does wonderfully, as well as successfully getting rid of conjunctivitus in small babies and also milk rash :) )

his saliva told my body what antibodies he needed to get better, and i produced them

effect, a happy, sleeping one year old (albeit a bit snivvel ;) )

and a very snotty mummy!

I took the brunt of the infection for both of us, like i have done for every infection we have had and will continue to do until Jasper is around 3

I dont understand why (if you have got that far) people would stop breastfeeding at 3/6/9 months, simply because that beautiful connection you share with you child is SO nice, knowing that you are helping them through anything going on with them just by feeding them :) its beautiful :) xx
Someone said to me the other day in a rather disgusted tone of voice, "you're still breastfeeing? How old is he now?" I wanted to slap them. Um, 3.5 months, and excuse me for wanting to do the best for my baby for the longest time and not PAY for formula, when I can get something better free! Really incensed me.

That's quite shocking really, not like they have even started weaning at that age! I hope the attitudes start to change in this country soon. I love feeding Kynon, it feels special and I love the bond even though my nipples are really sore just now and I'm very tired!

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