Breastfeeding upto 6 months


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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I have noticed a lot of mums breastfeed up until their baby is 6 months.

What do they give their baby after that then, I didnt think babies could have cows milk till they were 1?

Say at 4 months I could no longer breastfeed for some reason or another, what would I give her then?

I am planning on breastfeeding for as long as possible and just going with the flow so all answers are welcome :D
Im glad your booby feeding is going so well babe :hug:
JaidyBaby said:
Im glad your booby feeding is going so well babe :hug:

:hug: thanks hun, feeling quite proud actualy :D didnt think I was going to like it, but I love it makes me feel great :D
Tasha20 said:
JaidyBaby said:
Im glad your booby feeding is going so well babe :hug:

:hug: thanks hun, feeling quite proud actualy :D didnt think I was going to like it, but I love it makes me feel great :D

See thats a little nervous about breastfeeding due to the uncertainty of it all, but your doing ok with it which gives me hope.

Going to give it a whirl for sure, but am dubious, hopefully il feel like you when the time comes :pray:
When Olivia was born she wasnt at all interested in feeding and wouldnt until I had to give her abit of formula 7 hours later to get her sucking going.

It made me feel quite upset that I couldnt give her anything myself, but as soon as she come off that bottle and onto me she was away and has never stopped sinse :D

Whatever happens hun it will be the best choice for both you and baby, wether it be breast or bottle :D

Ah thought it might be onto formula, do babys accept formula after 6 months of breast milk? suppose it would taste quite different?
Tasha20 said:
I have noticed a lot of mums breastfeed up until their baby is 6 months.

What do they give their baby after that then, I didnt think babies could have cows milk till they were 1?

Say at 4 months I could no longer breastfeed for some reason or another, what would I give her then?

I am planning on breastfeeding for as long as possible and just going with the flow so all answers are welcome :D

To be honest I would say that at 4 months you will find breastfeeding is a lot easier. By that time baby has gotten into a routine of sorts, and is much better at feeding so it is quicker and less frequent. So unless there is a medical reason there isn't really any need to give up. However if you do then yes formula is what you can substitute it with, and as Olivia is used to formula and bottles she should be ok. They do taste very different but it never seemed to bother Seren.

Its great that its working out well for you hun, and that you are enjoying it. I used to think I would stop at 1 but now we are here I still do it as it is a lot easier and we both enjoy it :D
:D Thats fantastic news, I want to go on for as long as possible :)

I tryed my pump out yesterday and she took from the bottle straight away with no problems at all, OH got to feed her and it was lovely.

She seems to not mind having the EBM, and is still as happy on the breast so looks like she wont be too fussy :lol:

I will wait now tho until 6 weeks unless I have too.

Thanks Beanie and welldone for going for so long :clap:

Just thought ide say well done and as beanie says the older they are the easier it definetly gets
Hi Tasha

Well done on the breastfeeding, I'm glad it's going well.

I agree with Beanie,at 4 months usually the feeding is so quick and convenient that a lot of people wont bother to change to formula.
I struggled so badly in the early weeks and thought if I just made it to 6 months then I'd put Olivia onto bottles but when things settled down I couldn't believe the hassle even sterilising my breastpump and the odd bottle let alone doing it full time! Also, breastfeeding becomes more than just feeding your baby - it gives such comfort to them and often if Olivia had a wee fall or felt unwell a quick feed seemed to calm and settle her immediately. It also continues to give them antibodies against disease, illness etc.

In answer to your question, if you gave up breastfeeding then yes you'd give formula until your baby was a year when you could then give cows milk as their main drink.

Thank you Lucy, i think im just going to go with the flow, but to be honest I think ill carry on for as long as we can, I love breastfeeding :D
Soon it will be like second nature to you both and you may even find it hard to give up.

I found it hard and at 16 months Dom weaned himself off which was perfect as I found it hard to make that choice.

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