how long until you will try again?

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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We haven't really had a proper answer about this. My heart tells me that I just want to be pregnant again as soon as possible but my head says do some research. How long until we should try again?
Sounds clichè but when your ready to try. I mc'd at around 12w end of Aug and just seeing how things go but it's mw said no reason for is to wait if you didn't want to.

Your going through so much right now so when you feel up to it see how you feel. All the best xx
I know it wasn't close to what you have gone through but after my mc i was advised to wait for 1 af then after that biologically was fine to try again. mentally i desperate not to wait and to be pregnant again straight away. I've waited for different reasons and are more ntnp than TTC now. I am glad because its given me some perspective rather than reacting to my loss, but then my LO was a result of ntnp, not really planned as such anyway. After the first af I don't think there is a right or wrong, but what you and your OH feel is best for you! See how you are in a few weeks, after af and go from there maybe? xxxxx
Mentally I feel like I need to try again ASAP. It's more the physical aspect I am worried about. I think I will start as soon as i have my first period. So I just won't use contraception if you see what I mean... Liam is happy with that.
sounds like a good plan, some people do fall before their first af, so keep those hpts handy! i really hope you get a bfp very quickly xxxx
i think you should give your body a little time to recover and so i think waiting til after af is a good plan xx
After mmc at 12w i felt the same just wanted to try asap. Was told have to wait 2w after erpc (think its the same if you have pessaries) as otherwise your cervix is still open so infection can get in. Ditto to having a bath. Otherwise my ob/gyn (private through DH's insurance) said i could try straight away if i felt emotionally ok with it. Only advice I would give is not to use OPKs the first month after mc as they are postive from the residual hcg in your wee and are very confusing (first hand experience of this little problem).

Hope this helps a bit, it really is a miserable experience. Only thing we took away from it was feeling closer as a couple.
Oh! I wasn't told that about my cervix at all and they specifically told me to have a bath! Baby was born in the sack and they said it would reduce recovery time for some reason... Will have to research the bath thing cheers x
I guess you will know how your body is recovering better than anyone won't you - if you feel emotionally ready and are physically okay then there is no set time period for when trying again is "acceptable". I miscarried early in my last pregnancy, so obviously it's nothing near what you are going through, but my MW at that time told me it was okay to start trying again as soon as I felt I was ready. Lots of love to you xx
I think I have to have a six week check at the hospital so I will be waiting until then to do the deed anyway. Just hope its not too long until I get pregnant after that. Really I just want to be on the way to my next baby by January when this one was due.
Big bump I hope I am mistaken bt I think that you need to wait 6 months I you gave birth.
I spoke to the community midwives yesterday, they said that because my cervix opened naturally I am not at risk of infection so baths are no problem. She said to wait until my six week check to be physically ready to have sex and try again x
i am in 2 minds as in some way i didnt want to try until this babys due date was gone, but over this week I have been feeling better and i am not going on the pill so what will happen will happen. Now that I have accepted that i am not pregnant anymore ( got my BFN 2 weeks after MC ) i feel like you i just want another baby now.
I hope we can all be in tri 1 soon ladies xxxx
I think it depends on the situation BigBump.

I know that you horrifically had a late loss so maybe that will make things different for you?

I can get pregnant but cannot seem to stay pregnant so am keen to try again as soon as possible - we wont be using contraception so i'll leave it up to my body to decide.

With regards to yourself darling have you been offered any counselling?

I know what happened to me hs been horrible enough but it really doesn't compare to what you went through?

Has your Dr mentioned anything about TTC after this pregnancy?

Yes it will be great to be back in tri 1, mind you I think I will be ever so worried this time round and will probably have to have extra scans etc... I will definitely get support on here and from close friends but I don't intend to tell the world until I am 25 weeks
I wont be telling anyone for a long time when i conceive again, OH told the world when I was about 5 weeks
I am so sorry for your loss no one should have to go through a loss of a baby xxx
Big bump - I think your right, it is sensible to wait till after the 6 week check, as it's not just like waiting to have sex but waiting to TTC. This should give your body time to adjust and get ready, and maybee your first period to come anyway. If it helps , I started TTC 3 mths birth once, but it was c-section not natural birth like you have had , so maybee your body might need a little bit more time to settle , but my body seemed ready.

Mentally as soon as I started TTC - I had a focus again , my mood lifted and it really helped, I was back in control if you know what I mean - good luck when you do hun

Hope the conultants can offer some feedback re the post mortem etc by your 6 week check anyway , which may help you going forward with TTC
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i had mmc on 3rd week...i m planning to TTC on next dat safe?
If i was you i would go for it hunny, i lost my baby at 23 weeks so it was a bit more for the body to take in... but i reckon you are good to go!

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