How long did you wait before trying again?


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Sorry if it's a very personal question - I just wondered for those of you who have miscarried and tried again (or are thinking about it), how long were you advised to wait?

We haven't 100% made our minds up about whether to try again straight away or not - we'll wait for some medical advice on that front.

Just an idea of what some of you have been advised would be useful.

Thanks xxxx
Sorry for your loss :hug:

I miscarried nearly 3 weeks ago and wanted to try again straight away. But I spoke to my Dr last week and she has advised me to wait one cycle.
But I have read conflicting views...................not sure what I will do as I have very long cycles. I thought I was ovulating last week but my test was not as strong as it should be. I guess I will wait and see.
Hi bb, I cant see why you cant try straight away if you feel up to it.
I was going to wait till i had had a proper af but within 2 weeks I was feeling ready again, well we only managed it the once and didnt catch, but the next month was a success and i was more than ready.
I thought I wouldnt be ready for a while at the time, but I think a drive takes over.

The lady who scanned me told me to use it as a dummy run and to just keep trying, and the doctor didnt see anything wrong with not trying either. As long as your hcg was negative then everything should be fine, plus they do say you are more fertile at this time.

Lots of luck and I would seriously think about the low dose asprin next time. :hug:

I had af one callendar month after the m/c which was pretty good as some people wait 6 weeks, and i felt ovulation 2 weeks after the m/c so my body was sending me signs to carry on. Trust in how you feel. :hug:
Sorry for your news :(

We waited one cycle, and luckily fell pregnant after three months.
HollyHobby said:
Hi bb, I cant see why you cant try straight away if you feel up to it.
I was going to wait till i had had a proper af but within 2 weeks I was feeling ready again, well we only managed it the once and didnt catch, but the next month was a success and i was more than ready.
I thought I wouldnt be ready for a while at the time, but I think a drive takes over.

The lady who scanned me told me to use it as a dummy run and to just keep trying, and the doctor didnt see anything wrong with not trying either. As long as your hcg was negative then everything should be fine, plus they do say you are more fertile at this time.

Lots of luck and I would seriously think about the low dose asprin next time. :hug:

I had af one callendar month after the m/c which was pretty good as some people wait 6 weeks, and i felt ovulation 2 weeks after the m/c so my body was sending me signs to carry on. Trust in how you feel. :hug:

Thanks Hollyhobby - my hcg at the hospital was 2.9 apparently so I imagine it wont take long to get down to zero. As long as the doctor gives us the all clear, we might go for the old bd every 2 days routine and see how it goes (don't want to resort to OPKs etc if we don't have to).
i was advised to wait atleast 3 cycles after losing bean, even tho i prob wasnt emotionally ready looking back we started trying again after 1 cycle. this time tho we've started trying again straight away. i say whatever feels right for u. :hug:
Thanks girls - I don't 100% know how I feel about it yet, although hubby wants to try again straight away.

We'll ask the doctor for some advice, but from what most of you are saying it seems to be a 'whenever you are ready' type thing.

i got told to wait till i had had 3 AF's but started propley trying after the 2nd
After the bleeding stopped I tried straight away, but it took us just over 4 months to concieve.
Thanks girls - this was our first month of ttc so it won't be too much of a hardship even if it takes a few months - as we expected that in the first place!

At the moment I feel to poorly to even think about it - and it has put me off slightly that we had sex right before I miscarried (I know we'll never know that that is what caused it - as it happened straight after so might have just triggered the bleeding after something had already gone wrong) and can't help feeling a little bit guilty about it.

Hopefully those feelings will pass and we'll be back in first tri before we know it - with some bittersweet memories of our experience this time round x
it took nine bloomin' (ha-not very-ha) weeks from diagnosis of non-viable pregnancy to actual m/c, despite two D&Cs at 12 and 14 weeks, so I certainly wasn't going to waste any more time waiting. Final m/c was at 16w, I bled for 4 or 5 days and HPTs finally went negative 11 days after the (last) m/c. I O'd 7 days after that, and then got a BFP at 10dpo - less than three weeks after the first -HPT.

Advice seems to depend very much on the woman. I got loads of it, thanks to the various procedures and check-ups :roll: but the gist of all of it was 'wait till you're ready' and 'don't have intercourse whilst bleeding b/c of the risk of infection' (not sure if that only applies to D&C, or also to natural). It seems to be mroe about the emotional than the physical side. All the consultants I saw said I seemed to be handling it pretty well so they didn't see a need to 'grieve' (my pregnancy was anembryonic, so I couldn't see I had anything to grieve for!) and gave me a green light to ttc straightaway (think my doctor's rather surprised I took them so literally though). However, a friend of mine m/c at 8 weeks and was so badly affected by it that she was signed off work for 5 weeks and told not to ttc for 6 months.

Only thing is that if you do get pg straightaway there can be confusion over dating - my LMP is 11 June, for example... this is less of a problem if it follows a very early m/c (I had a chem pg at 4w6 a year ago this week - three days of faint positives, then negatives and bleeding, just like a period but heavier with largeish black clots :puke: . Though my definition of large clots has been rewritten since this last m/c! :lol: The effect was to delay my period by a few days - had I got pg it would have been fine to use it as a LMP date).

The other thing to warn you is that even after a very early m/c, your cycles *may* be screwed for up to 3 months. After my chem, I had a 26-day cycle, then had a 53-day cycle with lots of spotting, then a 27-day cycle - none of them with clear ovulation, even though I was using OPKs and a CBEFM and temping. Having said that, this time I ov'ed bang on schedule, with +OPKs and a clear thermal shift.

GL with whatever you decide!
:hug: :hug:
babyblonde said:
Thanks girls - this was our first month of ttc so it won't be too much of a hardship even if it takes a few months - as we expected that in the first place!

At the moment I feel to poorly to even think about it - and it has put me off slightly that we had sex right before I miscarried (I know we'll never know that that is what caused it - as it happened straight after so might have just triggered the bleeding after something had already gone wrong) and can't help feeling a little bit guilty about it.

Hopefully those feelings will pass and we'll be back in first tri before we know it - with some bittersweet memories of our experience this time round x

Hun thats what happened to me, I started bleeding after sex (what triggerd the miscarriage starting) It wasnt the sex that caused the miscarriage, just helped it start.

I think I would of gone on weeks more without knowing.

Kittykins said:
it took nine bloomin' (ha-not very-ha) weeks from diagnosis of non-viable pregnancy to actual m/c, despite two D&Cs at 12 and 14 weeks, so I certainly wasn't going to waste any more time waiting. Final m/c was at 16w, I bled for 4 or 5 days and HPTs finally went negative 11 days after the (last) m/c. I O'd 7 days after that, and then got a BFP at 10dpo - less than three weeks after the first -HPT.

Advice seems to depend very much on the woman. I got loads of it, thanks to the various procedures and check-ups :roll: but the gist of all of it was 'wait till you're ready' and 'don't have intercourse whilst bleeding b/c of the risk of infection' (not sure if that only applies to D&C, or also to natural). It seems to be mroe about the emotional than the physical side. All the consultants I saw said I seemed to be handling it pretty well so they didn't see a need to 'grieve' (my pregnancy was anembryonic, so I couldn't see I had anything to grieve for!) and gave me a green light to ttc straightaway (think my doctor's rather surprised I took them so literally though). However, a friend of mine m/c at 8 weeks and was so badly affected by it that she was signed off work for 5 weeks and told not to ttc for 6 months.

Only thing is that if you do get pg straightaway there can be confusion over dating - my LMP is 11 June, for example... this is less of a problem if it follows a very early m/c (I had a chem pg at 4w6 a year ago this week - three days of faint positives, then negatives and bleeding, just like a period but heavier with largeish black clots :puke: . Though my definition of large clots has been rewritten since this last m/c! :lol: The effect was to delay my period by a few days - had I got pg it would have been fine to use it as a LMP date).

The other thing to warn you is that even after a very early m/c, your cycles *may* be screwed for up to 3 months. After my chem, I had a 26-day cycle, then had a 53-day cycle with lots of spotting, then a 27-day cycle - none of them with clear ovulation, even though I was using OPKs and a CBEFM and temping. Having said that, this time I ov'ed bang on schedule, with +OPKs and a clear thermal shift.

GL with whatever you decide!
:hug: :hug:

Thanks hun -and you've given an answer to my other post too!

We had a chemical pregnancy last month (I tested early because we were going on holiday - got BFP but then negative the 2 days after that and AF the following day - which was about when she was supposed to arrive anyway) - but it didn't seem to affect my cycle this month as we got BFP by following rough charting (no temps or OPKs - just a vague idea of dates). Thanks though at least I can prepare myself for the fact that it might take a while to get back to normal cycle wise !
I got preggers the month after a chemical one and 2 months after a very early m/c.. so good luck hun..go for it :hug:
docs told me no reason why we couldn't try straight away, he said it was up to me, I didn't see the point in waiting, it helped me to be positive. You have to do what feels right hun x
my doctor told me i could try again as soon as i stopped bleeding if i felt emotionally ready 4 it he sed there was no reason not 2 ..and it took me 13 weeks...i think its a personal choice 4 pple jst do wat u feel best hun!!!! but i wud say if u wasnt gunna try again straight the way dont go on the pill or ought cuz tht will jst make it harder 4 u wen u want to get pregnant i wud use anutha form of contraceptive like condoms thn least wen ur redi u can start bedding straight the way thts jst my opinion hun every1s different!!! x :hug: :hug:
When i m/c the Doctors told me i could try straight away, they said there was no reason why i should wait at all if I felt ready to start trying again...

Go for it hun, good luck!!!
With my first m/c I was advised 6 months purely for emotional reasons not physical, I conceived my dd in the cycle straight after an early m/c and pregnancy and she was fine. Try again when you're ready.

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