How long does your AF last?

been off pill since september and my periods are still very light.........started yesterday and is more or less finsihed today except a bit when i wipe....

It's worrying me a bit to be honest cos i can't possibly be creating enough womb lining for a little bean to snuggle into you, cos hardly anything is coming away! :( xx
Ive never heard any evidence to support the fact that if you bleed less you are less fertile or produce less eggs - this is the first i've heard of it.

I know girls who go for 2 weeks with very heavy totm and unfortunately cant fall pregnant.

And yes, the pill does make totm lighter - alot of ppl go on the pill only to make it lighter - my 14yr old SIL for example, she's not sexually active but has been prescribed the pill because her periods are so heavy it disturbs her in school.
i seem to remember something at school about it only being about a tablespoon of blood etc you shed during your period and that there's other stuff in there too so wouldnt' worry about it - everyone's different
well it's gone already...only lasted about a day...could have actually gone without wearing anything too! i'm either very lucky or just x
Mine normally lasts about 5-7 days and recently got really heavy at the start.. and i get the brown discharge on the last two days. x
i seem to remember something at school about it only being about a tablespoon of blood etc you shed during your period and that there's other stuff in there too so wouldnt' worry about it - everyone's different

Yeah i remeber being told this too x

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