How long did you wait to ttc again?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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I had my scan to check everything had passed yesterday. I thought I was at the end as the bleeding is so tiny and brownish like the end of a period. However the scanner said my lining still wasn't back to normal and I may bleed for another couple if weeks :-(
Anyway then she says to wait to ttc until after my first period. To be honest I was thinking as soon as the bleeding finishes I would just see what happens. What did you all do?
I figure I won't get pregnant until my body is ready anyway.
It was horrible yesterday sat with all these pregnant women, then I had the most emotion less women for my scan. So matter of fact and no sympathy. Horrible. :-(
I can't believe some hospitals still scan ladies that have had losses with pregnant women, it is the height of insensitivity.

Thankfully the EPU I have always attended is on a different floor from antenatal.

It's a very personal decision when to try again, and I totally understand the urge to get on with TTC immediately.

With my first loss from beginning to end it was over 3 months (had 3 weeks spotting, then the actual loss, then say 8 weeks of very light bleeding)

We also had two losses one after another. BFP in late September lost @ 5w then BFP in early November (resulting in another loss). As I suffer recurrent losses I am not sure if not waiting a cycle was detrimental to that third pregnancy - and no one was ever able to conclusively tell me?

For now I'd just go with it, get yourself back on your feet so to speak and spend some time focussing on yourself and your OH.

I'm sorry you had such a poor time at your scan, it is awful to sit there with all the pregnant ladies when you know you have lost yours. They did at least let us leave without walking out back through them all even if we did have to wait with them beforehand.

We started ttc straight away as that was the right thing for us. You have to do what you feel is right and noone can tell you what that should be.

Good luck x
The scan facilities are shocking aren't they. Ours is in the xray dept so there is no other way out but back through the waiting area. I was distraught.
My gp did say my body would be ready before I was emotionally, but to wait one cycle at least which we did. My body did take a little while to settle but my cycles were back on track pretty quickly. xx
The sonographer said exactly the same to me that my lining was still thickened and she could see clots so to expect more bleeding although I'd stopped 3 days before the scan. I didn't get any further bleeding, just AF exactly 30 dats after my loss.

We were advised to wait until after AF to try but we decided to carry on as normal and see what happens. Now AF has finished we are trying again. You just need to do what feels right for you.x
I'm sorry for your loss. :(

Midwives only say to wait for dating reasons so there's no risk what's so ever in trying as soon as bleeding stops if your emotionally ready-

Personally we kept TTC after mc bleed and I got pregnant straight away. Still very early so praying it holds on now.

Try when you feel ready xx
( I know this as my cousin is head of a midwife unit)
So sorry for your loss. I think you have to go with whatever feels right. I had a MMC at 8 weeks in Sep 2012. My hubby was away so I had another AF then conceived again as soon as he was home in the Oct. I had another MMC at 8 weeks in the Dec and again had another AF before conceiving again in the Jan and my little boy will be 1 in two months. I cope with situations like that by trying to take some control back and for me that was ttc again xx
Give some time to heal before attempting to get pregnant again.Physical recovery from miscarriage in most cases will take only a few hours to a couple of days. Your periods will likely return within four to six weeks, and it's possible to become pregnant during the menstrual cycle immediately after a miscarriage.
So sorry to hear of your loss Tanya. My midwife said it was fine for us to ttc straight after but unfortunately Im still waiting for my bfp 2 months on

Good luck!
I had a BFP in October but miscarried at 5 weeks in November, my bleed was only like a period and I conceived again that same month but unfortunately miscarried again at 5 weeks in December. The midwives all said I had just been very unlucky and that the second one was very unlikely to have been caused by getting pregnant again too soon. I hope you are doing ok, it's a horrible thing to go through and as someone else said above, sometimes ttc again is what makes you feel back in control x
I'm doing ok thanks. I keep toe tiring myself why it happened. I was very stressed, I flew to Ibiza around the time the baby stopped growing and now I've found sites saying coils might cause miscarriage (I had the copper one as I didn't want any hormonal contraception between pregnancies).
Just wish I knew I will get pregnant and be ok. A crystal ball would be nice!!
What makes it worse is i have no idea what my body is doing! I know my ov signs so well but I'm well confused at the mo! Xx
Lots of hugs hun, give yourself time, I wish you lots if sticky baby dust, follow your heart, you have been through the worst ever, time can seem so long but yet a healer, god bless,xxx
So sorry for your loss :(

I have just recently plucked up the courage to come back on here and talk about our loss we had at the beg of september.

I certainly did not want to wait any length of time before trying again as I dio not have age on my side I am only 31 but I just dont want to bring age into the mix aswell.

We have just gone with the flow and started trying a few days after I was out of hospital inbtween the bleeding which followed the misscarriage.

Thinking of you, try and relax I know not easy just go with the flow. xx

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