How long did you bleed after c section and pain when recovering?


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2013
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I had my baby by emergency c section 2 weeks and 4 days ago. The bleeding I had afterwards had almost stopped and I had been having just a little bit of brown blood the last few days. However today I have fresh blood although not alot. Also had some sharp pains in the right of my abdomen. I don't know if this is normal and don't feel like I had much advice about what I should look out for if there is a problem. Pain isn't so bad that I feel I need pain killers.
I had exactly the same with the bleeding. It looked like it was finishing (at one point it did completely stop), then it started again. I had my LO on 13 November and at Christmas was still having intermittent bleeding.

Pain-wise, you can get all sorts of really weird stuff. With my first c-section, I had pains in the ends of my scar and numbness through the rest of it and the area around. This time I've had similar pains, but also nerve type pains in my lower back and bottom (I think from the spinal anaesthetic). I must admit though, I am going back to the GP in a few weeks about my back as sometimes the nerve pains make my legs feel funny when I walk. This morning I also have a bit of an ache in my lower left abdomen. With my first c-section I had weird aches and pains for a number of months afterwards.

I'd say it's always worth getting checked over if you're not happy with anything. Can you just ring your GP for advice?
I was the same, bled fora. Week then it totally stopped for a few days then came back. Still going and baby will be 3 weeks on Monday.

I haven't had much pain at all, but did have some achey-ness on the right side. Queried this with midwife and she said the surgeons usually stand on the right side, so all the tugging and stretching is mainly on that side so that's probably it.
Thanks, I've stopped having the pains but hv advised me to see go about bleeding so have appointment on Thursday.

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