how long am i allowed to mourn?


Active Member
Jan 24, 2014
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i feel as though people are rushing me to "get over" my miscarriage. its hit me really hard for a number of reasons, even my partner who was really supportive thinks i should stop crying. i mean its not like i cry everyday, i maybe cry once a week. my miscarriage happened last august its been just over 6 months. i still feel her loss so i still want to cry when it gets too much to bare. im seeing a councillor and she tells me its fine and natural to cry but i feel daft sometimes because of the impatience of others.

thank you for listening. it helps to talk.
I think it takes as long as it takes and you shouldn't feel rushed at all hun. There is no set time to 'get over' a miscarriage and it is easy for people who haven't experienced it personally to undermine it.

Hope you're ok xxx
You take as long as you need, cry if you need to cry and do whatever you need to get through this tough time. 6 months is not long at all hun, don't feel rushed by others. I burst into tears on Friday night because it should have been my due date, its 7 months since our loss and I have some really hard days and I expect I will for a long time to come.
We are all here for you, hope you're ok xx
I'm not sure we'll ever stop grieving! Take as long as you need to get to a more peaceful place but surely it's best to cope outwardly than to bottle it all up. Maybe the people around you are the ones who aren't grieving properly, sure as anything it'll come back to bite them when they least expect it.
thanks for the support. i really needed it. its just the few people who think its no big deal, that i can just make another one. unfortunately yes someone did say that to me. lets just say i no longer talk to her.
Ppl dont get it wen theyv nva experienced it themselves im preg again n stil mourn ova my mmc 7 months ago it was a real baby to me who i loved n dreamt of meeting i dont care wat any1 else thinks n neither shud u
Take aslng as u need n feel wateva u want to feel no miscarriage shud b disregarded as nothing they all hurt xXx
I still feel sad and have a cry about both my misscarriages one was a year ago and the other two years ago I think it always sticks with you you just find ways of coping with it don't let anyone make you feel Like you should of moved on xxxxxx
oh charli, sweetie. i'm so sorry.
you take as long as you need. don't forget that everyone's grief and healing process differs, and saying that i don't feel people ever heal from such a thing. crying is a great way to get your emotion and feelings out and you know, off your chest! there is no right or wrong time, you are "allowed" your whole damn life if you so wish! the impatience of others is not your problem. glad you no longer speak to the lady who made such a horrible comment. people who have never experienced problems with fertility or loss, or even the waiting of TTC, seem to think it's bish bash bosh and here's a baby! and all of us know that is isn't like that at all, in fact it is the complete opposite.

you know we are all here, for when it all gets too much and you do need to cry or someone to talk to. feel free to PM me anytime, i've never experience a mc and i don't wish to, but i have experienced a loss after giving birth, so i do kind of have an idea of how you are feeling. all babies are babies and yours, and a loss is a loss no matter whether 6 weeks, 30 weeks or 2 years.

take care of yourself
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Hun there is a Facebook group called angel wings. Its run by a lady called Michaela street. They have a private, closed group for all mums of angel babies. Michaela herself has 7 angel babies. They also welcome angel Grans, Aunts etc.

Really supportive group where you can grieve and chat openly and maybe also find some peace x

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