How do you take your BBT??


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Hey ladies,

So ive decided to give BBT charting agao this month, tried it previously before but couldnt make head or tail of it!

Last time i took it orally but the variation of temps was shocking. I'm thinking of taking it vaginally this year :whistle:

So the ladies out there who take there temp, how do you take yours?? Apparently you can take it rectally too :shock:

x x x x
Do you have an electronic thermometer? Use it in the mouth first thing every morning before you get out of bed. Do it the first month the whole way through to get a good idea. Xxx
Orally , and its always spot on indicating ov and af. I dont like the idea of having a thermometer hanging out my vag first thing lol x
sorry hon, that did make me chuckle at my desk at work today... :)
Orally , and its always spot on indicating ov and af. I dont like the idea of having a thermometer hanging out my vag first thing lol x

:rofl: i did think it was a bit extreme but i'm willing to give anything ago!! :smile:
Orally , and its always spot on indicating ov and af. I dont like the idea of having a thermometer hanging out my vag first thing lol x

:rofl: i wa thinking of temping soon and i killed myself laughing at this, what if you forgot and put it in your mouth ewww

orally seems best
It did make me chuckle when i was posting it!

Fancy sticking a thermometer up your bum!! What if you fell back to sleep? :shock:

I've got a 2 decimal themometer that beeps when its ready, bought it from amazon. Only used it for a couple of months, and the charting was way off, like i roller coaster!

I'll try the oral method again, but if it doesnt work i'll be fighting the other half off so i can take it vaginally! :)
:rofl: if you fell asleep you would be getting some funny readings if you ever found it again!

my oh would be all about trying to temp me vaginally too....but with his penis :roll:
:rofl: if you fell asleep you would be getting some funny readings if you ever found it again!

my oh would be all about trying to temp me vaginally too....but with his penis :roll:

Lol my vag is so big i'd lose the thermometer!


Plus how on earth would i explain it to my daughter
Orally , and its always spot on indicating ov and af.

yep me too. orally and my charts pint point ov to the exact day every single month and it toes up with opks and cm. it really is so infomrative and reassures yu that yu are getting enough action at the right time! and i know when i will get my af as my temp drops the day before.

i was advised to vag temp when i started but i couldnt face trying to dig around under my duvet sticking things up my foof. what about the previous nights love goo in there, ewwwwwww TMI!!
Hey ladies,

So ive decided to give BBT charting agao this month, tried it previously before but couldnt make head or tail of it!

Last time i took it orally but the variation of temps was shocking. I'm thinking of taking it vaginally this year

were u consistent with time taken, how much sleep you had, not having anything to drink etc?
I tried to do this but kept forgetting ha! I suck at doing anything other than opks!!!! X
after a few months it became routine for me. i havent done it at all this cycle cause of operation and i got a +cheapie opk and a smiley face yday but i cant confirm ov day s not charting aarrrggh, will just have to keep bding!
Get that sex in girl!!!!! I couldn't be arsed last night so will have to tonight!! Think my opks are progressing!!! X
please please please get some other brand opks, i knwo we all love a bargain but a box of boots or cb or frer as a back up is a good idea.
Hey ladies,

So ive decided to give BBT charting agao this month, tried it previously before but couldnt make head or tail of it!

Last time i took it orally but the variation of temps was shocking. I'm thinking of taking it vaginally this year

were u consistent with time taken, how much sleep you had, not having anything to drink etc?

Yep sure was. Set my alarm for 7.30 every morning, had the thermometer, paper and pen by the bed so didnt have to move. Wrote down any time i had a disturbed sleep etc and always used the same method but still got erratic results.

Do you put the themometer under the tongue?? or just stick it in your mouth?? Maybe that would make a difference?
please please please get some other brand opks, i knwo we all love a bargain but a box of boots or cb or frer as a back up is a good idea.

I have actually just bought some cb ov tests to use as back up. Cant wait for them to come, and for me to start testing so i can use 1! lol poas addict her i come!!! :lol:
It has to go under tongue and try and get it in the same spot with your mouth tightly closed around it.
Ahh Emma , you made me chuckle with this thread !! thank you
I'm totally inconsistent with time, sleep, etc but still get really good clear charts. The trick is to look at trends not individual readings. There will always be erratic readings, just don't read too much into them and look at the general shape of your graph. All you need is a phase of lower temps followed by a phase of higher ones

Like some others have mentioned I also get a really clear temperature drop for a few days before af which i always appreciate for the warning it gives me

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