How do you know when you are miscarrying?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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I'm sorry to ask this in here, I just wondered how you know the difference between bleeding and the start of a miscarriage? Is there any way to tell?

As some of you have probably seen I've been bleeding like a light period on and off since sat and have had mild cramps, discomfort and lower back pain.

I'm not getting answers from my doctor yet because results are taking forever to come back. Just wondered if you definitley know when you are miscarrying or if there is no way of telling and I just have to wait it out.

Basically I don't have a good feeling at all about this and I'm starting to not be able to imagine this baby in my head anymore, I feel like it has gone :(
Have you tried bypassing your GP and contacting the EPU at the hospital? They should be able to offer more help as this would be something they are used to dealing with rather than a very unhelpful GP and the iron ladies they get to be the receptionists?
Hey sweety. I would try to get a scan. If you are willing to pay they will see you straight away for approx £100.

If not you could try the EPU of your local hospital. Give them a call and they will advise.

My miscarraige started on Saturday with brown light bleeding and continued until Sunday when it became like a full on heavy period and I am still bleeding with a medium flow (sorry if tmi)

My symptoms and sore breasts had dissapeared a few days before hand.

I hope you get checked out soon and are fine. Lots of people bled and are fine. So try to be positive but definetly insist that someone sees you even if you have to go to A&E

There is no way to tell without blood tests and comparing HCG levels or a scan as the others have said.

I would ring EPU and see if they can help.

Good luck hun, hope everythings ok. Take Care xxx

oh hun iv just PMed you back but now just seen this.

There is no way of really knowing like iv already said lots of women have small bleeds early on and like the others have said go to your epu or doc again and get them to hurry those results up.

look after yourself and im here if you need me at all :hug: :hug:
I don't think you can ever tell
I started with brown spotting and then it went red and then I got painful cramps, I never got that heavy which confused me. Please take care and look after yourself and that lots of women bleed in pregnancy and go onto have v healthy babies some even bleed heavily
take care and keep loved ones around you if poss xxxx
I think each mc is different. The first sign I had with the lastest one was some bright red blood late at night. At first I was ok, but when I woke in the morning and the bleeding was heavy with clots I knew it was bad news.
Just wanted to write what happened to me incase anyone reads this looking for advise down the line:

Thursday and Friday I had lower back ache.
On Sat night I went to the loo and there was brown blood when I wiped. By Sunday morning the blood was bright red but only when I went to the loo, with only light spotting in between, on Monday Tues and Wed the bleeding continued but just like a light period with small clots and only when I wiped and I had mild cramps and lower back ache. Wednesday night the back ache felt more like backpain so I went to the hospital for advice and got a negative result so I think I miscarried around sat/sun time.


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