
Well-Known Member
May 26, 2006
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Hi, I know some of you may have been through this procedure and if any of you feel up to it can you describe what happened.

Did you go into hospital and come out the same day? How did you feel after?

I think I'm miscarrying, the baby and sac are still there but it is 2 weeks behind my dates and I'm bleeding with clots so it looks like it may be a missed miscarriage (again)!.

Last time I had medical management but it dragged on.

I have my fingers crossed that everything will be ok when I next go for a scan. :pray:

Thank you for any advice you can give. :(
Charm X
i had a d/c when i lost a baby at 13weeks i was in and out of hospital that day, 2hrs after the d/c i went home, wasnt in much pain ect.

i remember when they woke me up after the d/c i was so upset and out of it i was cring asking if i had a boy or girl, its crazy when your so upset you can say the wierdest hings after being put to sleep

hope ur ok babe, if u wana chat pm me
Everything might be ok, it may just be a scare but I really doubt it, I have no symptoms anymore and I'm still bleeding.
But fingers crossed. :pray:

I have to go back on thursday 29th for my next scan to see if the baby has grown...and I go on holiday on the saturday (to cornwall).

So I think I'll see how things go and if they confirm the miscarriage but the baby and sac are still there then I'll see if they can book me in for a D&C asap.
I went though medical management last time and it dragged for weeks.

Thanks for telling me your story though Dionne, I really appreciate it. I was scared you might have to stay overnight and the operation would take hours.

If you don't mind me asking did you bleed much after?

Charm X
A Dilatation & Curettage.

It is basically a surgical procedure used to remove the remains of a miscarriage or abortion (thing that's right)!

When most people have a miscarriage the baby is lost naturally through the bleeding.

For example last time I was PG I had a missed miscarriage which meant the baby stayed inside me (stubbord little bugger), I left it 6 weeks and it still stayed.
So I had medical management which involves taking a couple of tablets orally and then 48 hrs later in hospital you take some more tablets vaginally. It causes contractions to expell the baby.

This worked for me but it doesn't work for all missed miscarriages and it meant I carried on bleeding over the next few weeks (not very pleasant). :(

From what I can gather (I may be wrong), a D&C removes everything so you just bleed lightly for a few days.

I'm sorry if this is TMI but i don't know how else to explain.

I hope you never have to experience this!

Charm X
Hi Charm,

When i went for a dating scan at 10 weeks last July the sac was empty and i was given the option of a D&C, which i took. I had this 2 days later, i went to the hospital in the morning, the nurse gave me some sort of pill vaginally, which softens the cervix then i went under general anaesthetic for the procedure and was home in the early afternoon. When i came round after the D&C there was a bit of pain, like the first day of your period and there was a fair amount of blood, however this only lasted for that day and the following day there was hardly any blood at all. Also i got my next period 4 weeks to the day after the D&C and fell pregnant again in January.

I truly hope that everything goes well for you and have all my fingers crossed.

Love Claire xx

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