How do I tell them???


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2010
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I'm in a really strange situation!

I have just found out I am pregnant and me and hubby are overjoyed, but one of the first things I thought of was how was I going to tell certain people I was pregnant.

My sister has been trying to have a baby for over 4 years with no success and so has my hubbies sister. Also one of my best friends is trying for a baby and is currently going in for tests to see if there is something wrong!

These people are very important to me and I really wants to tell them but how do I do it without upsetting them?????

Hey hon, I had the same sort of situation - I told the people face to face and explained that I wanted to tell them before it was public knowledge. One of them did cry but was also very happy for me (as I would have been for her). It's lovely that you are considering this so carefully xxx
Tell them exactly how you feel! Say you don't mean to make them uncomfortable or upset but you are really happy and want to share it with them as they are important to you and you want them to be involved.
They will understand if they are good friends, and they can't expect you to never get pregnant unless they are!!
Good luck :) x
Thanks Becky and Karen!
Just needed a little reassurance. Am visiting the doc's on friday to get things confirmed and and then planning to tell family and close friends.

Fingers crossed it goes well!

Yay your at the docs same day as me :D let me know how you get on hun x
:hug: You're so kind thinking of how it may make them feel. I totally agree with the others - I'm sure they'll be delighted for you, and really appreciate the fact that you are considering their feelings too. Hope everything goes well for you on Friday :)
as most people know i took ten years to get this little jelly bean in that time everyone seemed to have babies! the month i found out i wouldnt be treated till id lost alot of weight my 2 closest friends found out they were expecting both shit themselves tellin me and i cant say in private i didnt have a tear BUT i didnt want their babies i wanted my own and deep down was happy for them and got to share in there pregnancys then 3 yrs on i got my positive on same day one of friends got hers but she had a chemical pregnancy which left me feeling awfull but she was ok about it knowing how long we have wanted one x

my advice is once your happy for people to know tell them dont put it off it will make them feel worse im sure they will all be happy for you and how they feel in private dont worry about enjoy your moment xx
Thanks for all the good advice!

I'll let you know how things go at the doc's and when I tell my family and friends!

Good luck with your doc appointment on Friday Charlene!

Thanks again

Hope everything goes ok with telling your family and friends - ive been both sides so to speak - with ex had iui etc and always worried it was down to me 2 - but here iam with new partner a year- 1st proper cycle trying after pill and 5 week pregnant. I think some things happen for a reason when they do
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I had a pretty bad reaction from my SIL who had an early hysterectomy. I knew it would be bad, so I told my brother first and got him to impart the news so she could get used to it in private. However, all she could say was she'd had a 'kick in the teeth' and phoned up my mum to say that her and my brother were adopting and they would have one before I had mine. She couldn't bring herself to congratulate me, and was indecently excited over my miscarriage.

So it can go badly, but those people who love you will be pleased for you, even if they are upset for themselves. My SIL doesn't love me but my bridesman, who is going for tests as they haven't yet conceived, was over the moon, I guess it depends on the person, but dont feel bad about telling them, I'm sure they knew it would happen at some point.
Congrats Sarl! Glad its happened for you at the right time with the right person! My hubby has wanted kids for a while but I have been the one holding back. We started trying in Jan and found out I was pregnant at the end of March! I know its the right time now! I can't wait!!!

Lillie sorry to hear it didn't go to well for you when you told people, I know my sister and my friend will be happy for me even if they are sad they aren't yet in the same situation. I'm a little unsure how my sister in law will take it, and am fearing it could be the same as yours! As long as the people I care dearly for are happy then that all I hope for!

These people are very important to me and I really wants to tell them but how do I do it without upsetting them?????


If the above is correct, then you will also be as important to them, and they will also be overjoyed that you are pregnant.

It won't stop them having a moment , but this is something they will be learning to accept that time does not stand still around them while they are having a few problems, and they will want to be a part of your babys life all the same.

I agree with Sams mum, you are soo thoughtful to be thinking of them

Hope it goes well when you speak to them,
I didn't know how to tell one of my friends at work - she's been trying for 4 years but when I told her she was over the moon! Asking if she could be his/her fave Aunty! Hehe! She'll be his/her ONLY Aunty lol!

Hope everything goes ok - i'm sure they'll be really chuffed for you x
Thanks to you all!

I told my friend who has been trying for a while today and she was really chuffed for us! I told her I was anxious about telling her and she just gave me a big hug and said she was overjoyed for us!!!
Great result!

Just got to tell my sister and sister-in-law now! Hope they go as well!

Have told all my family and friends now and its been a great success! Every one was really chuffed for us! Relieved things have gone well.

Telling my sister was the trickest. I went round and she told me she was having probs with her hubby and felt she'd never have a baby. Nearly backed out from telling her but did in the end. She instantly broke down in tears with joy she said but I think it was with a bit of sadness at her situation. I told her she would have to be at my beck and call from now on as she is needed to be the best auntie ever!!

Glad it went well today hon and good luck for telling the others xxxx
I'm so glad that it went well for you honey x x

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