How soon did you tell people


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Just wondering how long you all waited before you told people about being pregnant. We have decided to wait until after the 12 week scan. Sounded like a good idea when we first found out I was pregnant. My sister told family at 6 weeks and it was awful waiting to hear that she was ok at 12 weeks. Me and my DH are both going mad now cos we are so excited and it is killing us talking to parents on the phone and pretending that we have no news and boring lives at the moment - they don't even know that we were trying to get pregnant actually and had all given up hope of us ever providing them with grandchildren!!!!!
How long did you all wait and what exciting ways did you tell people - we were thinking of printing the scan picture into cards to give to them at a get together but think we will be so excited that if they don't guess the minute they walk in the door then we will probably just blurt it out within 5 minutes anyway!
I told my MIL and my Mum within a few days of finding out and had to tell my boss last week as i had only just started the job and wasn't sure whether they would still want me to come into work as i wasn't even trying for another baby when i had the interview and i thought it was better to be upfront about it with them as i work in a primary school and have kids running around me for an hour and a half every day.
Everyone else we are waiting until i've had my scan so that i know everything is ok before people get excited.
I told my manager cause I had problems and had to have 2 early scans so had to get time of and then we told close friends and family and lots of people seem to know now xx
we told the MIL and SIL at 5 weeks, only because i couldn't keep it quiet any longer, I wont be telling my family till 12 weeks as they dont know how to keep anything to themselves and the rest of the family would know before i got a chance to tell them, which is a shame really... but nevermind :)
Told my sister at about 6 weeks and my parents at 8 weeks. OH told his parents at 10 weeks as that was when we had our scan x
I was thinking about keeping it to ourselves until after the 12 week scan but hubby blurted it to just about everyone we came across!! Typical. That was at about 8 weeks x
we told mine n OH parents when we found out, but told them not to tell any more family, my boss and colleagues at work know, because my boss slipped up n sorta told them, but every1 else will be told at 12weeks, im tempted just to put the scan picture on facebook and sorta say "baby collins :-)" and see what responses i get, lol

i wanted to keep it from friends etc just intil i know its safe, and work will obviously know something had gone wrong if im off work at all, but all it going swimmingly atm so were very very :D

My OH told his mum and his 4 sisters and bro and now all his family know, only my best friend knows on my side coz I want to wait to tell my mummy first but shes on holiday for the next three weeks and i want to tell her in person but thinking im going to go and see my sister and tell her next week... wont be telling work til i pass probabation period coz i hate to be skeptical but u never know with these things :S xx
i told everyone the day i found out and plastered it across fbook at 4wks lol
im getting to the stage where i wana tell everyone i meet, lol but my mum had 3 miscarriages after me, and OH's mum had 2 stillborns after her youngist, so im under consultant care just to keep an eye on me,

so once the 12week +1day scan is here and beans ok, it will be EVERYWHERE!!!


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