Do I tell them?


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
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Well my mum has invited us to dinner Sunday and all my family will be there. I will be over 11weeks PG at that point, so Im wondering if I should spill the beans.

Im still terrified of things going wrong, so I wanted to wait till after my first scan, but dont have a date for it yet, and I want to tell my mum with other people around, cause she always responds negativley to news.

What would you do?
At 11 weeks I think your fairly safe tbh hun, most miscarriages happen before this date, I did read a percentage some where and I know after about 6-7 weeks its decreases by a fair bit.

Id go for it and share the happy news!!!! :hug:
Yep, I would tell them! You'll have to eventually and it seems like an ideal opportunity! If you dont you'll probably be sitting there on edge wondering if you should say something. Go for it I say :hug:
sounds like a good opportunity to spill it hun id go for it good luck and let us know what happens :hug: xxx
I would tell her at this point.

if she is going to be negative at least you may get encouragement and congrats from other people around you :)

Good luck :hug:
go for it hun, good opportunity to tell them all at the same time, id be sitting there all day itching to spill the beans anyway. :D
Yep - I agree with the others....its a great opportunity to tell 'em all.
I agree also..make sure you get your diner first though and then if there is any upset at least your Fed :D ...Sure it will be fine though
I agree and think you should tell them- sounds like the ideal time!
Can I jump in late? I agree - will be nice to tell them face to face and it's a perfect opportunity - they might surprise you as well..!

Let us know how it goes.....

Good luck

I agree with everyone else.... lovely to tell them face to face

let us know how it goes

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