how do dates work?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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hi ladies very happy to be joining you but also very scared at the same time after the 4 mc am shitting my self about being pregnant again but going to try and not worry my self sick. any way just wondering cos am getting myself in a muddle really i will be having a early scan at 6 weeks but will that be 6 weeks from last monthly or 6 weeks from when i ovulated cos i know i only ovulated 3 weeks ago on sunday. so will hospital count that as me being 5 weeks. my brain really is not with it at the mo sorry if this doesnt even make sense xx
6 weeks from ur last period.

Congrats btw, and hope all goes well for u this time around x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
oh brill thank you so not to far to wait then hopefully when i go on friday next week they will give me date for early scan then xxxxx
If you use Pregnology you can calculate from you Ovulation date, but the calculations are very basic.

Whether you go from LPM or Ov date they just count forward X amount of days.

You'll know more at your 12 week scan....

So if you ov'd about 3 weeks ago you're 5 weeks now!

i know exactly wen i oved and its 3 weeks today lol but im 5 weeks preg well i actualy oved between today and tomoro 3 weeks ago but taking it from the saturday,they always take ur dates from ur lmp and wen u get scan u will either stay same or move a few days bk or forward sumtimes a whole week or so,i hope all goes ok for u this time xxxx

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