i had the worst evening ever

Girls try not to let these people bother you - They can't really affect your lives. They soon trip themselves up just pity them, they obviously don't have much to do in their own lives. Plenty of good supportive lasses on here just concentrate on those ones :hug:
I'm shocked at the amount of time people must have on their hands and how boring their lives must be to feel the need to invent stories like this. It actually makes me feel very sorry for them.
i just find it amusing that they cant remember their own stories lol :lol:
i have no clue why people do this :roll: :roll: :talkhand: :shakehead:

Really gets on my nerves it does :x It just seems like such a weird thing to lie about. :roll:
Can't believe some people, how saddddd!! They definately need to grow up. Got to agree with gymbabeliz!!
They must want to be found out otherwise they wouldnt slip up with such stupid things. Maybe they get a kick out of slipping up and no one noticing? :| then when people realise they can start making a victim of themselves. :shakehead:
all i said was there are inconsistances in her posts.
maybe she will come back and explain :think:
Somebody must have donated a load of computers to an institute of compulsive liars.

It is so funny they dont remember their own stories :rotfl:
I didn't reply initially cos I didn't really understand to be honest :think:

Not good :(
I am soo niave. I am still hoping that she is not a faker, but just some silly young girl who really is pregnant but has told some lies for attention. Some people have such messed up lives that they don't know how to socialise without creating a fantasty world. If that is the case she deserves our pity.
I know one or two people who are pretty harmless but you have to take what they say with a pinch of salt.
Neev said:
Somebody must have donated a load of computers to an institute of compulsive liars.

It is so funny they dont remember their own stories :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
when my mum was ill i used to post on a breast cancer forum - they used to get fakers there too; people who would deliberately troll :cry: :cry:

there are some odd people in this world.
Even if she's lied it might just be about whether she's married or not, and if she's really young and preggy that may be perhaps a little understandable. She doesn't seem to have tried anything really malicious either.

Maybe I'm a softy, maybe it's because she might be REALLY young but I figure worse crimes happen and from what's here I think that ok questions needing asking but she's hardly got horns growing even if her nose is!
YoungMummy said:
Urchin said:
YoungMummy said:
:wave: :( ,

sorry if this is long i gotta get this off my chest :wall:

well last night i couldnt sleep, and my ex called me sayin he wanted 2 pop round (my ex is my babys farther & my 1st lover),
well i didnt tell him that the baby was his cause we havent met face to face since we made him, well i thought ok 2nights the night...well he came in and sat down in my front room and i was thinking how am i gonna tell him so i walked in the room and he goes 'wooow ur pregnant, my ex girlfriend gav birth to my son last month' my heart sunk, he then asked if i was with the dad i was like noo, then he started sayin how he misses me and askin where he stands in my life...his son so cute hes mixed race with blue eyes, i didnt tell him in the end it was his i jus went to bed and told him i was tierd.

so u think i should call him and tell him im having his baby? how do i tell him? am i right to feel upset and angry?

help me please :cry:

I'm confused.

In many other posts you talked about your boyfriend, you said he was the first person you told, you said he was looking for a place for you to live together,

My Names Yvonne im 18 years old and have just found out im pregnant Cheer

i am currently living with my mum but my babydaddy is trying to get us our own place Dance

i am a student studying beauty therapy and i am also a part-time model.

this is a really good idea

Age: 18

Due date: 23rd June 2008

Pregnancy number: 1

Hoping for which gender: Boy

Symptoms so far: tired, constipation , moodiness

How long were you TTC: was nt ttcing surprise pregnancy

Who knows: my family, boyfriends family & close friends

Pregnancy fears: painful birth

[quote:2pui4ue1]well me & my hubby been thinkin of names he h8s my fav & i h8 his fav so mum suggest we do a poll n who ever gets the most will gett to keep there name as ab option. so which name u think is a better unisex name.

at your scan:

boyfriend, mum & my 2 sisters came with me but only boyfriend n mum where in the room and all i been sayin since is omg its gta willy

Your name: Yvonne

Best bits of pregnancy so far: feeling baby move

Worst bits so far: new years eve n christmas eve spent tym in hospital, breast leak at college.

How did you find out?: took a test as a joke

Who you told first: The Dad

Long story short my ex is my babys dad we had a 1 night stand b4 i got with my boyfriend then when i had recent scan i found out my dates and realised it was my exs not my partners[/quote:2pui4ue1]

Its Hollyoaks :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

please don't excuse her behavious because she might be young and pregnant- I am young and pregnant and I don't lie about things like that!!!
She lied about her name too! Surely if she were innocent she would contact a mod and try and prove her innocence.

If I were accused of being fake I know I'd be so peed off I'd go out of my way to prove I'm real!

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