How did your cat/s react to the new arrival


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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DH and I have a black moggy (not sure of his age may be 11) and we were wondering how he was going to react to the baby.

Can anyone tell me their experiences?


my oldest cat (18months) doesn't bother with aiden, he walks out the room when he cries etc :rotfl:

my youngest cat (10 months) LOVES him :lol: he sits beside us when we hold him/feed him etc, always sniffing him and aiden loves watching him, it's really sweet :D

so far so good with our lot :cheer:
When my little brother was born we had to give our cat away.

He would wee on anything and everything that was my brothers, his clothes, nappy, bed, everything! :( :roll:

Me and OH have looked after our friends kitten a few times, we have him again next week in fact, and OH adores him, and grew quite attached and wanted one of our own but I'm a bit wary as have heard some cats can react badly like ours did with my little bro so we're going to wait until LO is older.

Unfortunately I have no advice on how to prevent bad kitty behaviour but hope he reacts well for you :hug: :D xx
Our cat is about 6, we rescued him 3 years ago and he's a lovely sweet thing. He was really suspicious of all the baby stuff before DS was born, and as my tummy got bigger he stopped coming to me for cuddles. After the baby arrived the cat completely stopped 'speaking' to me for a few weeks - to the point that he would walk out of a room if I walked into it!

He gave DS a wide berth for the first few weeks, but still cuddled with OH a lot. Once DS was more mobile & active he showed more of an interest, and will now cuddle up to him if he's asleep on the sofa / bed.

The cat has never really gone near the cot or the pram, especially not with the baby in it, although he did develop a liking for the stage 1 car seat - just right for a (bloody expensive!) cat bed :roll:

We've never had a problem with our cat & baby, as long as you're sensible and don't leave them unattended etc I would have thought they'll be fine :)
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My cat is quite old (12yrs). She hasn't been bothered at all by Oliver - only a bit grumpy cos she doesn't get to sit on my lap as much..... she does - however - enjoy playing with his toys! :x
I have a house full. Alfie is about 3 and is a bit of a snob so comes in through kitchen window and back out when he's eaten. Then i have a 2yr old and 2 7 month olds (her 1st lot of babies) they sniff her and walk off, and 3 5week olds(her 2nd lot of babies. People kept telling me pregnant women can't touch them and they'll suffocate baby. But i think it's rubbish.
We have 7 cats, and although we're only trying to concieve atm I can't wait for my baby to meet our cats! I had four when I was growing up and they were my best friends!

Cat's aren't silly, if they're not keen they'll just avoid the baby until they're used to it!

Sorry I know I'm not of any use lol, but I just wanted to emphasis that the old wive's tales about cats are a complete and utter load of C**p, just be sensible and take it one day at a time!!
I have 2 cats Marley & Roxy.

Roxy is great and will go up to the bouncer chair when Maia is sat and have a good look, where as Marley is such a scairdy cat. He wouldnt come into the room and just would not even go anywhere near her. Well last night I think we turned a corner with Marley, not only was he sat on his coushin in the same room but he jumped onto the sofa when hubby had Maia on his knee and Marley snuggled right up to them both.

At first I thought Marley hadnt noticed Maia but after a minute or so he difinitely did, he was kneeding hubby and at one point kneeded Maia'a leg...................bless, hope hes going to become her friend!
We have 3 female cats, 6, 7 and 13 years old. Two of them couln't have cared less and the other was initially very scared (especially of the pram!!) but she now sits on my knee while I feed Flod.

None of them have shown any inclination to jump in the pram or Moses basket, and they were never allowed upstairs anyway...
Mine generally keep a wide berth and usually leave the room when Eva is screaming, dont blame them it would hurt anyones ears lol!
My younger cat Lily (about 3) went right off me for several weeks, wouldnt come anywhere near me or the baby which I was kinda glad about while Eva was tiny, and she has come round now and made friends again!
She was very cuddly while I was preg though, we all said the sound of her purring would probably comfort LO when she arrived but Lily was totally freaked out by that gorgeous baby smell so we never found out if Eva knew the sound!
When Lucy was born DH bought home the first outfit she wore and her hat which was a bit grubby and left it out for the cats to smell before washing it! Apparently they had a quick sniff but no more and when we bought Lucy home they had another quick sniff and took no further interest.
As she got older and more mobile we had to keep an eye on one of them who scratched Lucy once (more in self defence to be fair!) but they get on famously now!
im glad someone asked this as we have an 11 yr old cat as well. she isnt the most sociable of things anyway & has become less cuddly with me recently as my bump has grown... although saying that she came for a cuddle last night & baby kicked so my stomach moved & the cat looked at my stomach well confused hehehehe :lol: all she does with baby stuff at the mo is sit underneath the moses basket resting her head on the frame.... f only i could teach her to nod whilst resting on it we wouldnt have to do any rocking ourselves once baby arrives :lol: :lol:

my mum & nan are adament she will try & get in wherever the baby is once its born though & have bought me a cat net that fits the basket/pram & apparently one for the cotbed is on order!
my eldest cat is 9 and she hasnt been bothered at all. She will sit next to Holly and doesnt mind when she grabs her fur athough we would never leave them alone together just in case.

We had an 18th old cat who unfortunatly we had to rehome though, she was just too boisterous. She would tear round the house and launch herself across the room when LO was on her mat. The final straw came when she sneaked into the nursery, got up on the cot and tried to jump onto the wardrobe. The moses basket was on there and baby in the cot.. the whole lot nearly came down. We had to rehome her after that it was just too dangerous.
We have 2 cats aged 4 and 3 (ish) and they have both been great, they avoided her like the plague at first but now they dont mind her stroking them or even pulling their furr lol poor things! They are soft as anything and we've never had any need to be worried.

The only thing thats caused problems is I think they feel a little bit neglected as I dont have as much time for them as I used to but they have got used to that and still get plenty of strokes and fusses they are just not the centre of attention all the time anymore :lol:
i have 7 cats, the oldest is 8 and the youngest is 3.

i do not know how they will react to a baby but i presume they will like it alot! half of them were hnad reared and they are a very clingy bunch!

i have loads of pets and they are no bother mixing with our other pets, however we have some 'boundaries' in place for everyones protection;

-i will never leave any of my pets unattended with the baby, its not that i dont trust them, but well i think its unfair to do that to either party
-we already have a 'catroom' infact our cats get a bigger room that the baby! if i need a rest or a break from them they can be shut away in a room with their own surroundings and everything they need- (they are all indoor cats)
-they will go away for 'feeding' as they are very greedy!!! also when baby is on the floor- ie on playmat
-babies room is a 'no cat zone' dont want the fur, or mess on the carpet etc.

everyone is different and has different priorities, having had some of my cats from a very early age i know they will be a bit jealous but rehoming them would never be an option. i think we can live our lives in a way that our cats can still be happy and the baby safe. saying that we do have plans in place to put an extension on the house for a downstairs cat room and outdoor play pen so we could make all of upstairs a cat-free zone and perhaps the baby could have the bigger room!! our upstairs is already a dog-free zone, so im sure if the kitties got their own bigger area with a cat run theyd be even happier!!

so thats the plan- who knows if it will work but my kitties are my babies too so hopefully no probs!! x
I have 2 cats that are burmese -they are pretty intelligent and really attention seeking. We relly worried how they would react to a baby in the house cos they are sensitive to change but they have coped much better than I thought. They tend to sit upstairs a lot and sulk and sometimes meow when LO cries but usually stay out of the way. They don't even go in the cot and moses basket which is what I thought would be the first thing they'd do. I feel a bit sorry for them tbh. :hug:
I've got 2 cats and one of them is acting very clingy towards me. She has started sitting outside my bedroom door with a toy at 3am meowing for someone to get up and play with her :wall: . I'm hoping this behaviour stops once baby is here. I think she's a bit confused at the moment.

The other cat is oblivious but he's male and a bit thick so I assume that's why.

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