OH first response

I did my test by myself, I did a couple of ic's which were really really faint ( tilt and squint type lines!) around 6 days late for AF. Then on 10 days late I did a FR test at 10.30am. I went to asda to buy the test on the way home from work and held my pee since 5am when I got up to make sure it wasn't too diluted. I had to buy a pee pot as I couldn't hold it any longer, so used the loos at work then tested at home! Lol!

The line came up quite quick but I didn't believe as it was quite faint. I didn't get to show my OH til 11 that night, I said I got something to show u, he looked at it and said what does that mean, negative. I said well 2 lines usually mean pregnant! And I told him I was unsure still and I would do the other one in the morning. So I did the other one and it came up slightly darker than the other one, but still then we were both conviced it wasn't true!

I travelled up to see my sister that day and showed her the tests and she said why aren't u more excited! Then ran off to get a clear blue plus test she had from when she got pregnant last year. I didn't need to pee then so we took it with us to the pub! The cross came up so quick on the test I was in shock, it was very very clear. I couldn't deny it any more. I text theOH saying I had done another test that was positive, he asked if I was happy about it? I said yeah are u and he said yeah just scared.

He is a lot happier about it now, and when I went to the doctors he said me if I was definitely duffed!! Then kept saying he had super seed lol!! Men what are they like!

Sorry about he essay xx
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He actually told me I was pregnant!! It was first thing in the morning, I'd done the test and left it somewhere while I went to get breakfast, and before I knew it he told me it was positive.

He tends to be rather inscrutable, but this time I'm quite sure I sensed terror, LOL!
My OH was funny! We'd been TTC for 10 months so weren't really expecting a BFP so when I did the first test and the line was very faint he said "well you can't be because it's too faint" even though I was insisting we'd finally done it! So I did our 1 and only digi and it came up 'pregnant 1-2' so I threw it at him in bed and said "believe it now?". He went white as a sheet and said "I literally can't move"! hahaha. Then he said "show me the box, whats the percentage of these things! After being reassured that we were finally pregnant I got a hug etc. He then had to go to work but was home an hour later saying " I can't bloody concentrate" lol Both of us wandered round in a daze for 2 days before we told everyone! :) x
OMG Clairebear, I can't believe you're due tomorrow! Seems like only yesterday you got your BFP. Hope it goes well hun and looking forward to hearing your news.

My OH was the same. He thought the line wasn't dark enough and that they had to be the same colour :roll:, so I dropped him off at the pub to watch football and went and did a digi in the toilets at Tesco. I think it's only starting to sink in now!

Ahh such lovely stories!! Mine isnt that exciting coz hubbie didnt believe it!! We had done so many other pregnancy tests other months and always BFN and we really thought we was out this month so really only testing so I could have a drink on my birthday which was the next day. I did a FRer and came up with a faintish line, hubbie said it must be wrong so I did the other one and came up the same. He still didnt believe it so went at about 5.30 in the morning to tescos to get a digi. He only believed it when it came up pregnant 1-2weeks. He then went straight back to sleep as had been out on the lash the night before!!
After a couple of days he was very excited and now is such an angel!!
Well my oh's response wasnt so great!

Id tested before AF was due as wasnt feeling right in myself (you all know what i mean)

Rang him at work and his response was "what the f**k possesed you to buy a test!"

Needless to say i didnt mention it anymore until my due date, handed him 4 positive tests!!!

Strangly enough this is something he wanted and he is very happy about it altho not very sympathetic lol xx
i had been late for a few days but we were too scared to test. I was on the pill and period always came on time so we kinda knew but the day before his 18th birthday he made me do a test and it came up faintly. Surprisingly he smiled and reassured me it would all be ok after work he came home with a digi to "make sure " up it came pregnant 1-2 weeks. Then it hit him and he said ... shit how to we tell your dad haha. Big surprise but we are both excited now :D
We found out while the royal wedding was on telly lol. I'd skipped a period but still had pains (which I now know where growing pains) so I thought nothing of it. We even went on a boozy weekend away (my hangover was 2-3 times as bad as I usually get with the sickness...still no idea) I think at that point baby thought enough was enough! And I had a week of sickness! OH made me do the test. I had to leave it on the floor in the bathroom and walk out and he went and sat on the toilet staring at the test on the floor. I the hear OH shout OH MY GOD I went in to the bathroom and it was positive! We were in shock for about 3 days lol!
We found out on the last day of our honeymoon. I did the test while he was sat on the balcony. I said to him that I needed to borrow his eyes cos if there was a cross, then there was a good chance he would be a daddy. He looked down then at me and cried. He was so happy! :-)

That actually made me well up! what a beautiful story!:)
I thought my other half would have heart attack when we found out!! I hadn't been well for a week but thought it was bad bug, on way to his place I had a car accident and his mum was really worried said I should see doctor etc wasn't sure why she was so worried as I was fine, other half then said I think your pregnant told him not to be daft I would no, well did the test and came back positive did many tests after! He went grey then green but said he would stand by me we hadn't been with each other long turned out his mum had a feeling I was to.

How long had u been together when u found out? Only ask coz i havent been with my OH long and everyone else seems to be married or with their partner for a few yrs lol
I thought my other half would have heart attack when we found out!! I hadn't been well for a week but thought it was bad bug, on way to his place I had a car accident and his mum was really worried said I should see doctor etc wasn't sure why she was so worried as I was fine, other half then said I think your pregnant told him not to be daft I would no, well did the test and came back positive did many tests after! He went grey then green but said he would stand by me we hadn't been with each other long turned out his mum had a feeling I was to.

How long had u been together when u found out? Only ask coz i havent been with my OH long and everyone else seems to be married or with their partner for a few yrs lol

Me and the OH have been together 3-4 years overall but we had a break for a year and have only been back together since last Christmas and i moved in last June eeep! lol
How long had u been together when u found out? Only ask coz i havent been with my OH long and everyone else seems to be married or with their partner for a few yrs lol[/QUOTE said:
Know you weren't asking me but i'll tell you anyway. Baby number 1 now 14 woz a very short teenage fling I had ... Her dad speaks to her if if has to.

Baby number 2's dad I woz with for 6 months. A useless nasty t*** if turned out to be, I found out I woz pregnant after I left him. Needless to say he has only seen his son once in 12 years. Definitely for the best.

This one created out of love and 3 year relationship ... I've finally grown up.

Woz a single mum for many years. Done a cracking job I think. They both still alive. 0:)
How long had u been together when u found out? Only ask coz i havent been with my OH long and everyone else seems to be married or with their partner for a few yrs lol[/QUOTE said:
Know you weren't asking me but i'll tell you anyway. Baby number 1 now 14 woz a very short teenage fling I had ... Her dad speaks to her if if has to.

Baby number 2's dad I woz with for 6 months. A useless nasty t*** if turned out to be, I found out I woz pregnant after I left him. Needless to say he has only seen his son once in 12 years. Definitely for the best.

This one created out of love and 3 year relationship ... I've finally grown up.

Woz a single mum for many years. Done a cracking job I think. They both still alive. 0:)

Well done! Its hard work being a single mum.. ive had to do it too.. the kids have hardly seen their dad (eldest doesnt want to now, shes scared of him and my youngest was only 4 weeks when things ended) he has no interest in my girls just the boy hes got now with his 'wife' and her two girls lol
and for that im SO FRIGGIN HAPPY LOL!!!

My new OH.. well.. we are hoping for an 11/11/11 baby not just because of the date it will be out 1yr anniversary of being together. Very soon and hes 4 yrs younger than me.. but hes been a betterdad to my girls than anyone else has and hes gonna be such a great dad! my prob is i dont know how to share lol so its gonna be hard letting him have some control over the baby etc.. im sure you knwo what i mean..
PM me if u ever wanna chat, dont want to hijack this lovely thread with my bad experiences lol!
I thought my other half would have heart attack when we found out!! I hadn't been well for a week but thought it was bad bug, on way to his place I had a car accident and his mum was really worried said I should see doctor etc wasn't sure why she was so worried as I was fine, other half then said I think your pregnant told him not to be daft I would no, well did the test and came back positive did many tests after! He went grey then green but said he would stand by me we hadn't been with each other long turned out his mum had a feeling I was to.

How long had u been together when u found out? Only ask coz i havent been with my OH long and everyone else seems to be married or with their partner for a few yrs lol

Me and the OH have been together 3-4 years overall but we had a break for a year and have only been back together since last Christmas and i moved in last June eeep! lol

Thats not too bad then really :) like i said before, ive not been with my OH long.. I was friends with his mates first so i know him through them.. i know hes a decent guy as who knows him better than his mates :D

was hoping to be married before having any more kids.. but thats not how life works unfortunately lol

I have PCOS so my periods are irregular.. so i have to test alot, just in case...
one night he had kept me up all night talking as he had been out with his mates.. i was so tired and annoyed, but we planned on doing a test in the morning... i was going to wait for him to get up but thought whats the point as i wasnt expecing anything, but at 7am i done a test and just as he had been asleep for an hour, i woke him up with. 'baby, im pregnant'... he was shocked and didnt believe me at first.. sat in silence for a bit and then talked about it calmly.. i was happy i got to keep him awake as he had done it to me :shakehead::lol:
we told his mum and family and they were so happy and even got me a thank you card! Id only met her twice.. first time was when she had to take me home from the bar he worked in as i was spiked on nw yrs eve...not the best! lol

now ive just come to terms with it we can start to be excited about it..:)
He smiled... Lots... Then hugged me... Then smiled some more... Then started laughing ha ha xx
Jayceesmumma hope others wont judge us we had been with each other less than two mths when we found out we just protection but it happened i said to other half I would understand if he walked away but he didn't and he has been my rock :)
Blimey that is early lol! We were together only 3 months when i fell preg so i know how u feel hun
my OH has been brilliant, cant fault him at all! A bit childish at times lol but his qualities outweigh his flaws lol! xx
2 months is rather sudden! its great that he's stood by you though... most men i know would have run a mile! OH and I had been together about 8 months, but we still got judged by so many people... oh well... sod em :) x
Yeah sod them! i hate being judged.. i know some people who were together less than a yr and got married.. and theyve been happier than ppl who have known eachother for years!

Its hard for me as i have two kids already and they were let down big time by their so called dad so my family are naturally wary whenever i get a bf (not often btw lol).. needless to say they wasnt impressed with this pregnancy lol!!
But he is standing by me and is so excited.. hes gonna be a great dad going on the way he is with my girls already.. one bonus i get to see what he is like before we have the baby :) lol x
bonus i get to see what he is like before we have the baby :) lol x

looool I like the idea that you get to try before you buy.

As for the judging thing. I don't think anyone on here will judge they're a good bunch. As far as I am concerned life happens and not normally in the way we expect. We make the best of it we can. And we end up with lovely bouncing bubs at the end of it, that can't be bad.

If it's any consolation I've been judged by others for years because we didn't have kids. We been together for decades and got told we've left it too late. As far as I'm concerned they can stuff it up there jumper, we did what was right for us.

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