How/where did you meet your OH?

I was on a girls night out in Bar Med!
A couple of my friends knew him (he was their boss at his old job) & were chatting to him. My mate fancied him so I was encouraging her to talk to him but she wouldn't & told me I should.
I had split up with a guy the week before & was adamant I wanted nothing to do with men for at least 6 months (all ar*e holes etc) but as the night went on & I got more drunk I got introduced to him, we talked all night & have been inseperable ever since. :D
I met mine working in asda if group interviews wernt bad enough my full attention was on some fitty rather than the interview luckily i got the job (not there anymore was lame) lol then it turns out he'd asked me 2 go out before on myspace (of all stupid places) only i'd sed no haha now we're engaged and trying for 1st lol
Dale was up in Edinburgh on a stag weekend (not his own) met him in a nightclub, didn't go home with him that night or anything but then he started travelling up at weekends and moved up here permanentley after 6 months of seeing eachother :shock: Now i can't get rid of him! :dance: lol.xx
Split from ex after 12yrs together, went a bit mad, got 2 tattoo's and was enjoying being single for 12 months then my best mate introduced me (via msn) to a group of people she played online games with in July 2003. We got on really well and was chatting on msn most nights, he was with someone at the time, engaged he lived in Northern Ireland and i was in Bradford, he was 23 and i was 29 so i never thought anything of it other than we could be mates and have a laugh while on the net and playing the games.

After a while of talking to him he used to tell me that he was not happy with the gf (oh yeah tell me another one lol) so i tried to do the good mate bit and listen and try to get him to talk to her, even tho i had seen him on the webcam and thought he was quite dishy lol

In February 2004 everybody that we played the games with had a get together as we thought it would be fun to put the faces to the voices, we spent the whole weekend together and it was ace, told him he was welcome at my house anytime, he went home then he told me a few days later that he and the gf had decided to have a break and could he come over (you all probably think i'm a right bitch now)

Anyway he came and we had a great weekend, then they split properly and after us both visiting each other over the following 12 months he then moved in with me on valentines days 2005 and were now hoping to move house in the next few weeks and then REALLYstart trying for baby no1 lol
my mate kept on about going to this grotty pub for about a year and a half. we always went out on a saturday as well, but this time we went out in the rain on a pub crawl on a friday and ended up in the burnel arms in east ham. was totally drunk and we were about to leave when i spotted jon's mate and so we went and spoke to him. he turned out to be a right w**ker, and then Jon came over with some drinks and we got on like a house on fire. plus Jon hadnt been out for 18 months and this was his first night out since then, had a bad break up.

fate. plus our paths had crossed for 20 years before we got together!!!!
We met through friends, my best friend at the times brother was friends with Che (OH).
I was 14 at the time and he was 18 (though his friend had told him I was 16!-I had no idea about this until years later!!)
We had fancied each other for a couple of months. One day we were watching a film at my friends house and her brother and Che decided to watch it with us...apparently we kept looking at each other and everyone suddenley dissapeared and left us in the room alone together!!
We ended up having a snog...and that was it...11 years later and we're still together and more in love than ever! :D

This is the short version....I could write a book about it!
I like this thread!

I met my boyfriend in a student nightclub called Snobs! I approached him and asked if he wanted to dance with me! (i'd never asked anyone before in my life!)

We danced til the end of the evening, couldn't hear a word we said to each other because of the loud music but he took my number, and we met up the following week, and it just carried on from there.... :lol:
layla said:
i had been speaking to Jase for ages on a reading festival forum, then we met up at reading festival and came back to my house, he never left after that lol


I'm glad we're not the only ones who met online :D :angel:
I met mine off the internet. I was bored one day so I did a search on the Yahoo member directory to see if anybody from Leeds was online and found DH. (Actually he wasn't from Leds but he didn't think anybody would have heard of Wakefield so he put the nearest city which was Leeds). We chatted a couple of times and then met up, and then a few weeks later he asked me out.
Really interesting reading all ur stories. Mines probably a bit boring....
Met mine through a freind of a friend. I thought my OH was hot, but when I started talking to him I realised he fancied someone else. So I put all my effort in trying to get together and put any thought of me and him being together in the back of my mind.

Met up with him in a club he had gone there with the girl he fancied, nothing had really happend between them apart from kissing. I was drunk and he was soba. I linked arms with him and didnt stop talking to him all night... I asked him for a kiss :oops: he blushed and said he'd been diyin to kiss me for ages. We kissed, went back to his and staied up till 5am talking, hugging, kissing erm etc :oops: It was perfect... sopy i know but thats how it happend.

and turns out that girl he fancied was just leading him on, she already had a boyfriend... and she was on drugs :shock: :?

So turns out im much beta for him anyway lol if I do say so myself hehe

I met my boyfriend through work . we worked for liverpool football club (i changed jobs about 6 months after going out together because of the gossip mills) i was in the tour centre he was n the ticket office (him in a suit mmmm me in a tracksuit hmm!) it was the staff christmas party and i was very drunk so talked his leg of and then snogged lots of men :oops: then a week later i saw him in a night club and was a little tipsy to say the least, and my friends from work went back to his for a party there was about 30 of us in his apartment (his and my work mates). i went to his bed room to get a jumper and woke up the next morning and he was sleeping on the floor (aw sweet) what had happened was i was knackered saw a comfy bed and fell asleep. The next day when we got up we went to the docks and got pancakes and thats when he first kissed me. 2 years later were engaged and hes adopting my son hopefully on the wedding day.
hes the best :D
I met my dh through my brother. He came round our house when I was about 14 I think it was and we had a chat and that and I thought nothing of it! He was about 18 or 19 at the time so just thought he was a bit older than me! He had a flat and a job and I was at school haha, fancied him though but thought I would never have a chance. He also had a son who he was having trouble with seeing cos of his ex etc anyway!

When I was 17 just after Christmas he came round our house and was really hungover so I made him a cuppa and said hed have to make me one back one day. He said if I came over to his flat with my bro at any point he'd make me as many as I wanted haha.

Couple of months later I sent him a text winding him up asking him where my cup of tea was? He didn't know who I was cos he didn't have my number and when he found out he kept asking me to go round. Then one day he sent me a text saying he couldn't stop thinking about me and wanted to see me. We met up a few days later and then he asked my brother how he would feel if we got together. After that he started coming to see me after work and then one day he just didn't go home and has been with me since! Been over 2 years now, have our gorgeous son and been married a month :D

Funny how an innocent text message made me find my soul mate! I love him so much!
At writer's workshop in 2000 in the town where I live. He thought I was pretty but only about 14, so he didn't approach me. He was 36! We didn't get together for a couple of years though!

i met Gary in a nightclub. It was world cup time and him and his mates had been drinking all day and were wasted (beer goggles on i think!! :lol: )
i was out celebrating graduating as a nurse and i was also wasted. i wrote my number on the back of a £5 note and he remembered to ring me 2 days later! When we met again we both admitted that we couldn't remember what each other looked like!! :oops:

So believe in fate, it was meant to be that night! :dance: nearly 4 years later still together and very much in love!! :clap:
Mark worked for one of the customers we supplied at work and before I knew him I was friends with another lad called Andy in his office and invited Andy and his mate Mark (another Mark not the one I married) to my 21st Birthday party but they didnt show. I called the office and spoke to 'my' Mark and gave him a roasting for letting me down only to embarrass myself cos I didnt realise there were 2 Mark's in the office (hope this is making sense) and he thought it was funny and offered to meet me to take me bowling. He lived in Stockport at the time (30 miles away from me) so we arranged to meet at the B&Q carpark in Stockport (my intention was to turn back if I didnt like the look of him) and we went bowling and I stopped at his mum and dads house, I had his bed and he slept on a campbed and was a perfect gentlemen and I even caught him kissing me hand when he thought I was asleep which was really sweet!

Something I am not ashamed to admit (actually proud about) is the fact that when we met we were both virgins and have become deep friends and soulmates as we as a loving couple!!!!!

So what was more or a less a blind date really turned into meeting the love of my life and although life has been a rollercoaster we are stronger as a couple now than I could ever have imagined.

Anyway, we got engaged 3 months later on bonfire night, married August 2000 and now have a beautiful baby boy called Charlie.
I met my other half, Sam, when i was 17/18 on a night out, been stuck with him ever since! :wink: No, love him really!!
I met mine when I started working in neuro operating theatres! We were both assistant medical technical officers. I had the hots for him but was a bit shy. We would gaze at each other from across the theatre over a patient and a nice bit of brain surgery! The xmas party was coming up and I heard rumours he had asked the organiser if he could sit next to me and he was also spotted outside the hospital entrance cutting down some mistletoe.

Anyway, he got legless and confessed his undying love and from then on, it would be secret clinches in the storeroom and snogs on the operating table in theatre 3 after everyone had gone home! He would also write messages on his gloves and then stand in front of me and open his hand so I could see his message as you couldnt always talk during complex surgery. I was always stifling giggles!

Love him to bits 3 and a half years later - we're now engaged and trying for our first!
I met mark in a nightclub, he wasn't even old enough to be in there lol, anyway he was a mate of my ex's mate so i was talkin to him, an mark asked if i wante a drink, we got talkin an things went on from there. i remember thinkin he's so cute! not surprised he was only 17! :lol: the followin night he took me on a date but his mum had only give him ten pound :lol: , so we went to a pub where it was buy 1 get 1 free lol tramps!
still didnt click to ask how old he was!
its strange how things change so fast, next thing we were havin a baby buyin a house, an now tryin for another!
My OH was my manager at work :shock:

We worked together for 2yrs and he was just my manager and then I had a dream one night that we kissed!! I told him for a laugh (although I felt there was more to it). I believe in 'signs.'
Then my sister nearly died and he was the person I talked to about it.
Gradually we fell in love. God how soppy is that!!
He had split up from his wife but was still living with her because of the kids. A year later he moved in with me, got a divorce and here we are 4 years on :lol:

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