How/where did you meet your OH?

i lived next door to my dream man, but we never talked to each outher
one day a very hot day i was outside with my mum and friends i was only 16 at the time..

ian was looking out his window smoking a and he said hello to me ..i was :shock: shocked.. so i went all shy and said ohh hi..
then after we talked he asked me if i wanterd to go out with him as friends to this club.. i was like yeah cool lets go..

we went had a great night got on soo well with eachouther.. and i never seen him the next day and all the week.. :( ..then i found a letter at my door..he was saying sorry i havent seen you been working hard to take you out again...awwww :dance: .then after getting to know each outher better abd better we moved in together.. but i never touched him for 3 months lol.... no baby dancing there.... and then we moved again in a bigger flat.. been together 2 years now and been engaged 1 year..
and he is lovley...really sweet :D

I met my boyfriend on vacation while visiting my momhe was her roommate. He picked me my bro , sis and our friends up form the greyhound station and i saw him through the window and said to my friends that he as cute and just had to get off the bus before them lol,
So there i go pushing my way through went to say hi to my mom and he carried my bags for me i thought he was sweet.
We partied hard that night and i woke up at 3 am screaming i had a bad allergic reaction and had bumps all over me and my throat was closing so he rushed me to the hospital we were both drunk.... when we got there the doctors said if i would of been 5 min late i woudl have died.. so hes my hero :D
Anyways we ended up going on a date the next friday and we are 8 and a half years apart i was almost 17 and he was 25 and my mom didnt agree with it but i didnt care cuz i dont live with her.
So we ended up making it official that night that we were dating then a week after i went back home he came to visit me and never left i told my dad he was gonna live with us and that was that lol.
It was a gutsy fast decision but im glad we made it .

Met OH in Darwin, Australia. I was in transit on my way to Broome (holiday on my own) and he was over from the UK on a world trip. He was working on a fishing trawler off the coast of Darwin at the time.

He was a boiling 34 degrees, I didn't know where I was going and I saw a lovely little pub with a nice shady tree outside, so I bought a beer and he was sitting at the bar doing a crossword. We ended up chatting and then I had to go to get my flight. We exchanged numbers and email.

A few months later, he came to Sydney and we went out a few times (we were both seeing other people so it was just a matey thing) then he said he had very strong feelings for me. We kissed. I couldn't stop thinking about him but had to be faithful to my boyfriend.

Over a period of 18 months - he'd gone back to the UK, split up with his long term girlfriend, my boyfriend had moved to Malaysia and we split up, so OH and I ended up chatting all the time and emailing. After alot of money spent on phone calls, I decided to make the move to the UK.

After arriving, 2 weeks later he'd proposed.....we went back to Oz to get married a year later and then coming back I'm now preggers. We'd never slept with each other either until I made the move over to the UK....funny really.

I love him dearly!


Met at work, was already in a 4 year relationship &was not looking for anyone else but these things happen. Were mates for about 6 months b4 we got together - thought he was gay @ first! lol

Bit like Beanie wasnt looking for another relationship and kept saying "we're not going out" had a very rocky start & I was a complete cow. Desperatly didnt want another long term relationship but eventually gave in . Never thought id end up here 6 years later !


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