How did you know you were in the early stages of labour?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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I know it can vary from person to person, but what was the early onset signs of labour for you?xx
Well my hind waters broke! Lol but I was having very dull period aches x
The pain was rhythmic if you know what I mean. It would build up and then die down. The contractions were coming at regular intervals all day long so I knew I was in the early stages. My pain was mainly in my back whereas my BH was all in my tummy. My waters didn't break till I got to hospital. Good luck x
Thank you. I've been noticing period pain cramps coming and going every hour or so since 2pm today. It's like it builds up as if my period is about to start then is own. But bubs has been quite active too so not sure if imgetting my hopes up for nothing?xx
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When I had my little girl the firat signs looking back were a bad belly, as in feeling i had eaten something bad!! xx
I had like mild period pains all day with DD then a show, with DS some of my waters went and contractions started straight away :) xx
I had one painful contraction, and I was trying to figure out whether it was a 'real' one, and seconds later I flooded the room, LOL!
I was induced but during the last 2/3 weeks I had dull period pains and loads of BH and loads of scares and false alarms!! Everything is going towards your body prepping for labour. I was once told that if you can breathe and talk and act normally lol through a contraction it's probably not a real one xx
My first sign of labour was my waters breaking (felt a popping sensation). About 30 seconds later I had my first contraction xx
I was having contractions for about 72 hours that slowley got more intense but didnt believe it till my waters went, i was about 5 cm at that point. Id had no noticable show and no other signs.

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