How did you get pregnant?!

We had been ttc for 9 months it was like a military operation, got pregnant had a mc the next 2 months make to schedules an timetables ....nothing. then we got really drunk one night after deciding to take a break from it and here we r xx
I came off the pill & we were ttc for about 6 months, but I had prepared my body for a year first, gave up smoking, drinking, caffeine, exercised more but I stressed myself & oh out with cycles & ovulating! As soon as I thought 'sod it, I'll need to get on with my life' it happened.....I think I got pregnant a few days before my boob job so never noticed having sore boobs as they were sore anyway! I defo think the key is to get on with your life & not think about it x
I had the implant taken out in may last year, got my bfp in September but sadly miscarried in October, started trying again straight away and got my bfp in Janurary :) x

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