Just out of curiosity....

6 months with my first pregnancy sadly miscarried ...then took over a year for my first son ...second son wasnt planned had split with hubby and came of pill got back together and went back on it but got pregnant that month. with my little girl she was a holiday romance then with my third son it happend unexpected and with this baby was playing it 100% safe and still managed to get pg..seems like fate steps in ...after my miscarriage i honestly thought i couldnt have babys and had just started looking into fertillitty problems
The two times I have been pregnant I haven't been officially trying.

I stopped taking my pill in jan 2010 and had managed a natural contraception method for a whole year. Cycles were really regular etc so it was relatively easy to do. 1 year after that we got carried away on a fertile day and it happened.

2nd time I ovulated early and got my dates wrong, I guess it was just meant to be!
Have you tried baby asprin hun? Seen many people saying stuff about that. I have been given it now to stop risk arising x

I have an appointment at the recurrent miscarriage clinic in early Jan so I'll see what they say.

Until after that appointment we're not actively TTC (we're actually avoiding my fertiles times so I guess we're actually NTNP)

I want to get things "right" when we next conceive so I'm not taking anyhing at the moment and we'll see what they say in Jan :)

Heh, we tried for 3 weeks and probably concieved within 1! I had been off the pill since June but still using protection. On October 2nd I gave us the go ahead to start trying.... October 21st took the pregnancy test and +++++++!

I know we are very lucky, is crazy :)
We took 2 months using ntnp earlier this year, but sadly had a mmc. Took me 3 months to get my 1st AF and caught on the 1st month using opk's!! Hoping my lil roo holds on now :) xx
came off pill in june, had july period, got caught had mc in aug, and got caught with this one stright away.
My first pregnancy want planned but we were thrilled when it had sank it :)

We conceived in our first month of trying this time around :)
we used ovulation sticks and fell pregnant on my first surge so took about 11 days from my last period was crazy as we had only made the final decision during my period! was very very quite i just see it as totally ment to be :) xxx
It's weird because it seems some people fall straight away but theres no inbetween, seems to be straight away or bloody ages! I suppose 5 months for us isn't long at all!
Fingers crossed for happy healthy pregnancies ladies :) x x

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