How did you get pregnant?!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2012
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Ha ha! What I mean is were you trying really hard or not? For 18 months, my hubby and I carried on much the same as when I'd been on the pill, just doing it when we felt like it, apart from an extra one when I thought I was ovulating. However as this didn't work, we sought help and the doctor told us to do it every other day from day 9 to day 17. She said we are very unlikely to conceive otherwise.

I posted a thread on the TTC board a few weeks ago asking people if they thought it was worth it if you don't feel like it, because sometimes when it felt like such a chore, I didn't see how it could possibly result in a baby! Everyone said to persevere if we want a child, but recently I've seen posts from ladies who are pregnant saying that it happened when they weren't thinking about it, or even when they only did it once that month! Its certainly much more enjoyable when we do it less often, and on those days when the pressure's off! I'd love to take it a bit more easy, but time isn't on my side.

You're probably thinking about babies now rather than trying to conceive, but any replies would be welcome! Thank you! :)
I was a bit puzzled when I read the title of this, haha! We got a little surprise but before that night we hadn't for about a month or so before. Not very helpful but I didn't want to read your post and not respond :)
I came off my pill that i had been taking for 5yrs on 17th Aug 2012.. And conceived 8th Oct 2012! :) And got my BFP 24th Oct :)

Very fast!! Only took a month So im very very lucky we didnt have to wait long xx
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Well me and my boyfriend were ttc since June 2012. We went off a ovulation app at first I wasn't sure of my cycle days turns out we were doing it at the wrong time lol!! So I conceived in November last year was a chemical sadly then in December and had a miscarriage. We both can't be bothered with sex we would rather go sleep lol and it became such a chore to the point we would argue because he felt under pressure to cum and I was disappointed I wasted another cycle. I conceived in April but my dates don't add up at all as to me ovulating etc. We tried ovulation tests pressed conceive plus everything last month we used none and I got pregnant! With my son we weren't ttc I was out drinking every weekend and I got pregnant in 1 month! I stopped drinking as soon as I found out not when I was pregnant. Ttc is so emotionally draining least it was for us we only had sex for a baby now I'm pregnant he wants sex loads :| lol. Men! I also tried get my boyfriend have a drink before sex just to try help him relax only like 1-2 beers and I don't drink myself so I thought it was ok. Xxx
I'm one of the ones that stopped trying for a month and then got pregnant! Had been trying since June 2012, using opks and bd at the right times, every other day throughout the month! When I conceived in April we only had sex twice as I was going for some treatment on my cervix so was nervous about that, think that maybe as I was thinking about something else and not ttc it might have helped x
My husband and I were TTC for 3 years, referred for fertility treatment and found out I was PG 3 days before my first appointment :)
I had my coil out in march. Although I never lost af with the coil, once it was out, af was over two weeks late in April, with many bfn tests. We only managed to dtd about three times, I know once was the day I had a pos opk. Tested when I was a day late in May and got a very dark bfp. Tested again a week later (what else would I do with a spare frer? Hahaha) the next test, the test line was way darker than the control!
I had been on the pill for 17 years, came off in Feb 2012 and fell pregnant almost immediately after my first period, unfortunately I lost my little bean just before our wedding so we decided to wait before trying again. I went back on the pill until January this year, I conceived in March and I've now just passed the 13 week stage so fx for this little bean.

It sounds like I didn't really try at all, I admit I was very lucky but me being me, wants everything immediately and I was peeing on sticks almost from the moment I stopped taking the pill - I'd never really researched ovulation and timing of conception etc so just kind of assumed it would happen immediately!

Well me and hubby got drunk one night (not how this sounds) and was about to "ehem" when hubby suddenly said shall we just "forget the condom" we had talked about having children a lot at this point and so we had a woopsie as we called it. Anyway, we then talked about whether we go back to using condoms which would seem a bit of a come down or whether we "try". hubby didn't like the phrase trying though and just kept saying it will happen so we'll just have fun! But secretly, i was a nutcase about it (i knew when i was ov but didn't tell him thats why I wanted sex) I would just come downstairs in a sexy outfit or something. well we got pregnant first month and I think we did it every other day from about 2 days before Ov due for 2 weeks. I layed very still for half an hour after sex and relaxed.

good luck x
as i'm only sixteen it wasn't planned!! it only took us one night of unprotected sex and it must've happened quick as i took the morning after pill less than twelve hours later and our little peanut still got through, clearly meant to be!! and now we're both so excited to meet our determined little peanut!x
Both times I have been pregnant we were not trying at all. 1st time I was actually on the pill but due to a round of antibiotics it must have failed. This time I had not gone back on the pill after my miscarriage as wanted to let my body sort itself out after going through so much, we were using condoms but on 2 occasions we didnt bother and that is when it must of happened. I am a firm believer in it helping if you are relaxed etc x
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My husband and I were TTC for 3 years, referred for fertility treatment and found out I was PG 3 days before my first appointment :)

That's great! We've got our final fertility appt next month, it would be good if we had some good news and not have to go! Especially as I suspect that they will say there's nothing more they can do for us. Also visiting a private clinic soon to see if they can help us.

Day 9 is coming up and I really can't face it! Probably need a break. So we've done 'not trying hard' and also done 'trying hard'! I wonder which approach will work!

Thanks for all the replies! :)
I couldn't tell you last time I had sex
I like sleep at night!
We were away one weekend, unprepared for sex (no condoms)
A quickie and a few weeks and about 8 hpt's later it was confirmed I was up the duff
Super sperm and egg. Seriously, his sperm must have been alive nearly a week or i ovulated very early! X
Best of luck Blueflower - hope it works out for you really soon xx
We had a slightly different situation going on as I could get pregnant but I kept miscarrying (I had 3 in 2011)

TTC did become a chore and it did cause some rows. I remember once being in absolute heartbroken sobs as OH decided to go out for a friends birthday on a night near Ov and he refused to have sex with me before he went out.

I was weeping and wailing and truly felt bereft! That was a low point for me.

We conceived James the old fashioned way - after a steak dinner and wine!! It was Valentines Day but I was actually getting + OPK's and a smiley faces on the digi so I kind of made the evening romantic for him and got the swimmers for me!!

as i'm only sixteen it wasn't planned!! it only took us one night of unprotected sex and it must've happened quick as i took the morning after pill less than twelve hours later and our little peanut still got through, clearly meant to be!! and now we're both so excited to meet our determined little peanut!x

Yes it must have been meant to be! I hope that doesn't mean that I'm not meant to be a parent though, that would be very cruel as I've always loved children and have been waiting for the chance for years!
as i'm only sixteen it wasn't planned!! it only took us one night of unprotected sex and it must've happened quick as i took the morning after pill less than twelve hours later and our little peanut still got through, clearly meant to be!! and now we're both so excited to meet our determined little peanut!x

Yes it must have been meant to be! I hope that doesn't mean that I'm not meant to be a parent though, that would be very cruel as I've always loved children and have been waiting for the chance for years!

it will come don't worry :) x
me and hubby started ttc in july 2011...but i had extermely irregular cycles so hubby had sperm test done in may 2012 and i had scans to rule out pcos....i saw specialist june 2012 who prescribed me clomid....after 3 cycles it hadnt worked so i was referred for ivf and a hsg....that month (round 4 of clomid) rather than having sex purely for having a baby we relaxed a bit as we knew we were on ivf waiting list etc, and lo and behold we got pregnant october.november 2012 (had been ttc 16 mths altogther) i agree to have plenty of sex....but at same time i feel it was being relaxed and actually wantong to have sex and enjoying it that did the job for us....i think how we feel really affects it!

lots of luck hun xxx
Hope this isn't TMI but my hubby and I have always DTD pretty much every day so I think that may have helped me getting pregnant so quickly - no chance of any missed fertile days!! xx

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