How did you find out?

Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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I thought this may be fun to hear how everyone found out they was gonna be a mummy.:dance:

I was getting cramps as for when you come on but no peroid so i put it down to stress etc after a month of not coming on i found it odd but still getting the cramps so thought its gonna be soon within 2months of not coming on my fella got me to go to the dr she said she was gonna test me for a infection i pee'd in a jar and she tested and she said oh well its not a infection i asked whats wrong and she said your pregnant its come up straight away it does not normally do that...There i was stunned!!!!!!!! it took 2 days for it sink in and thats when i told my parents.:lol:
I had no reason to test except for very slightly sore boobs and a suspcion (I thought we'd missed ovulation!), tested 2 days before period was due and got a 'not pregnant', figured that was that end of. Then for some reason the day before AF was due I bought two different tests. The morning AF was due I retested-got another 'not pregnant'. Spent the rest of the day thinking oh well next time but retested later that day just because and got an instant line and the darkest bfp I've seen! Here I am 40+1 weeks later!!!!
I was ttc and in my 2nd cycle and already v obsessed,af was due on Monday but I started poas a week b4,I had loads of symptoms and bought some own brand tests,tested weds night-nothing,shoved it in a drawer,went to test again thurs morn and noticed there was 2 def pink lines on the test from the night b4. Tested again- v v v faint line,tested fri faint line so went and bought a cb + test it came up faint but str8 away,was at my sisters at the time. My dh was goin mad at me and refused to believe till af was late so I went and bought a cbd,expectin a 'not pregnant' but gettin a bfp instead...sent hubby a picture sayin..can u see this 1?? Lol all the pics and my turmoil r in the ttc section lol xx
We had decided to start trying in May, ovulation came around and we did the deed a couple of times, my period was late that month and i was extremely tired, can't believe how quickly the tiredness came on. So we were SO lucky in that in our first month of trying, we struck gold :-D

My hand was shaking when i was doing the test!
We were ttc and i was abit of a poas addicted so tested early and got my bfp!!
With Lacey we wasn't trying but i had that feeling i was. I kept being sick on the pill but didn't use anyother form of contraception so it was bound to happen so did a test when i was a week late and it was positive! Best mistake of my life though :D
And with my other 2 pregnancies, my first i only tested cos i was very thirsty and my friend kept saying i was pregnant so tested to shut her up and it was postive and with my last pregnancy which ended in a mc, again not planned but one night picked lacey up and went very light headed and nearly past out. Told my friend and she was like your pregnant and low and behold i was!!!
All my pregnancies have been very different in the first few weeks!!
i was feeling sick, dizzy, shattered, sore boobs, suddenly i ate salt n vinegar crisps :sick: with a glas of milk everynight, my period was no where to be seen. I didnt get i was preggo tho.
Went dr on wednesday and she said it was a virus and gave me another 6 month on the pill. Friday someone at work said "your pregnant" :doh:
it was in my mind over the weekend and on monday i went to buy a test and it was posetive. I was then 7 weeks gone already.
My 1st, had no symptoms other than being 10 days late (wasn't keeping track of my periods in my younger days!)

My 2nd, tested 2 days before my period and got a bfp! Didn't have any symptoms.

My 3rd, noticed the need to pee constantly and my nipples had bumps over them. Figured out I was 3 days late! Got a bfp that same day!
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I came off the implant, wanted to give my body a months break before I went back on the pill. Was about 40 days since I had the implant out when I thought, surely I shouldve had a period by now.
Ignored it, had sexy time with OH, and during it, I found it very sensitive and almost painful down there. tried tocarry on and I passed out! When I came round I threw up, rang NHS helpline as I thought I was dying of something, they told me to do a test so I did! And voilà, did a CBD and got pg 2-3. So that's how I found out. X
I had just gone back on the pill after a break and a month later I was at a friends on the thursday and I ate a MASSIVE steak (I hate steak) then on the sunday I was telling my mum about eating the steak and how weird it was and she said "do you think your pregnant" so the next day I did a test and was very shocked when it was positive!! lol
It was our first month TTC and I started testing about 5 days before AF was due with cheap internet tests. Was getting very very very faint second lines, so much so that I thought they were evaps. OH wasn't sure if he could see them too and we both covinced ourselves that we were just seeing lines that weren't there. I even tried to take a photo to post on here but it just made it look like a BFN. This went on for a few days and was driving me crazy. 2 days before AF was due I stopped on the way home from work and bought a clear blue digital so that I would know one way or the other. I really thought it would be negative so did it as soon as I got in without waiting for OH to come home from work. Left it on the bathroom window whilst I made myself a coffee and got the shock of my life when I returned and it was a BFP. Burst into tears and phoned OH telling him to come home, NOW! When he arrived home I was standing at the door laughing and crying hysterically with the test in my hand. I was just so shocked and thankful to fall pregnant the first month of trying, we thought it might take a while due to our ages and medication my OH is on.
Was getting glammed up for a heavy drinking session on the town with the girls, and DP sugggested i pee on a stick just in case ( as still hadn't had af after MC bleed 3 weeks prior)..

and ta-da got the BFP!!!

So was strictly on lemonade that night hehe!
my period is like clockwork and could set by a calendar. it was due on a Friday, it never arrived, Saturday and Sunday AND Monday it never came. I had a feeling I was pregnant but I was hoping that when I got to the clinic they would say i'm not pregnant......i didnt even get to warm my butt on the seat well enough before the nurse said "oh, ur pregnant. so what are you going to do".
i swore so much she walked out the room n gave me a minute. i was in shock lol
took me a good 3-4 months for me to adjust to the idea that i was gonna b a mum.
at first, i didnt know if i wanted to go through with it all that was goin on in my life. but im glad i did
i never kept on dates with my periods lol but wow its great to see how everyone found out etc x
we were ttc, it was only our first month. But I still was a poas addict so did preggo tests every other day after ovulation lol!
With my first, I had very regular af so when i was late I just knew, also the sickness started almost straight away with him. This time we were TTC and i felt pregnant, i missed af so did test which was BFN did one more 2 days later still Bfn .. finally 2 weeks after af was due i got my BFP, apparently according to my scan I must of ovualted when my af was due.
I was about a week late, i was on lunch at work and thought i would do a test to put my mind at ease (it wasnt a planned pregnancy i must admit) and then realised my break was over, so put in my bag and went back to my desk, about 20 mins later i finally managed to look and it was positive! Was the shock of my life! But now I am so happy about it!
I had really long cylces cos I have PCOS, and had decided to start on Chlomid when AF turned up - the only time in my life I actually wanted it to come! Didn't think about it really, just had slightly sore boobs and my bra was a little tight (hubby said I'd just eaten too much!). Then a few days before a wedding, hubby suggested I take a test just to make sure, cos I'd be drinking all weekend, but to not get hopes up (18 months of BFN really gets you down), and so peed on a stick in my office toilet, lol!!!
The only sympotms I had were that my boobs got bigger (my OH noticed not me!), I completly went off of sex which is very unlike me, and my AF never arrived! That was it!!

I got the faintest of lines last Sunday so put it down to an evap, waited until Tuesday then did a first response and an ebay cheapy and got slightly darker line but they were still VV faint so did a digi and got 'pregnant 1-2'! :)

After our miscarriage we decided to go all out and try again so did so after my first cylce - tested v early on the tuesday got a BFN and was gutted even though didnt think it would happen quick again (we conceived our Angel Baby te first month of trying ) was so convinced i was pregnant that tested again on the Thursday with a Boots Digital and it came up straight away Pregnant - so did a CBD and got Pregnant 1-2 - carried on doing each week up to getting 3-4 just to put my mind at ease that all was going well x
I was minus one AF and my OH kept saying "are you sure you're not pregnant?" and I was convinced that I wasn't as we'd only been trying for a month and I'd done a test a week before to check I was ok to go out drinking and it was a BFN. I caved and got 2 tests and did one when I got home from work one day (April 1st :D ) and it came up nice and dark straight away... I almost had a heart attack! My hands were trembling as I opened the second one to do that one too, another BFP, LOL!!


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