How did you find out?

we were TTC and on the 6th month we got our BFP. the month we conceived, we decided not to obsess over it and only done the deed twice. my Af was due on the sunday, but i toke a test on the thurday and got a faint line. then on the sunday got a clearblue digital and it said pregnant.
well I got engaged on the Friday..
we had a real small 'party' on the Saturday but I had virtually no alcohol,
the Sunday morning I threw up about 3 times in 2 hours..
I'm never even like that when I AM hungover so I knew it was nothing to do with alcohol.
Josh suggested a pregnancy test. didn't even cross my mind haha.
life changing weekend :lol:
i wasn't trying for this one so it came as a bit of a shock, i had only just stopped breastfeeding my baby he was 6 months old at the time, and we had only bd once without a condom well i did have a condom but i realised after we finished it was still in my hand oops. i kept putting it off as really didn't want anymore no room in the car for more or in our 3 bedroomed house, plus i had done a 12 month age gap (10 month as he was 2 months prem) and it was really hard work and thought i cant do that again. i took the test and it was blaring positive i think i had known before i was even due on though but blanked it. the midwife did laugh at me though when she asked what contreception was used and said it doesn't work that way lol. I would like to add we are happy now, i am so so so glad i cancelled the abortion or i would be a complete wreck now instead of being happy
We had , had one period after my MC and D&C , so I was waiting for AF to arrive or not to test as we really went for it that month, as I neeeded to be preg again for my sanity!

I didn't get a BFP till a good week plus after AF due, so either cycles messed up from MC still or hormones taking a while to kick in. So I really didn't know what was going on, but as I had no AF all that time, got my BFP (v.v. week line ) at at least 5 weeks plus preg
well i was late by about a week coming on and felt sick for most of that month but not actually being sick just the nausious feeling but dismissed it as stress due to our upcoming wedding, i was also extra tiered but put it down to overtime iwas doing to pay for said wedding! oh went on stag do weekend and best mate suggested i do a test to rule out preg.... i laughed at her but decided to go do one to shut her up...did it and feint line appeared... so i did another then we went out and i bought 2 more did those and also showed faint positive i still was saying well i think its too faint to be a real positive so best mate fed up with the uncertainty went adn bought a preg or not preg obvious test stick which i did in mornign immediatly a preg came up and said 2-3weeks! i didnt want to ruin his stag do so waited until he was home then said i wanted to talk he said was tierd and we would talk another time...then was working lates and everytime irang him he wasnt answering i eventually got hold of him and said you must listen now....i did a test when you were away....sooooo we are having a baby! he was exstatic even tho i was panicing about wedidng dress fitting me and not drinking at hen do etc etc..... but then the next day he was like ar e you sure though? so i did 3 more tests to show him and he was even mroe excited as the preg one then said 3-4weeks! lol when i realised he was happy i realised i was shocked but happy to. not how we had planned it but good all the same!
Basically i had been on the contraceptive injection for 3 months only and was due to go back to the doc and get my next jab in a few weeks time.

when i missed my period i didnt think much of it as my periods have always been all over the place and i just thought that the injection might have stopped it anyway.... a few more weeks later and i still hadn't come on but i was feeling sick and i had cramping pain so thought i must come on soon. Another few days later and me and OH agreed to buy a test whilst out shopping just to check before i was due to go back to doc for my next jab. I got home and did the test straight away and there it was, a BFP!! I couldnt stop shaking!! it was planned obviously but me and OH are over the moon!

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