How am I going to cope?! :(

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Laceys been really playing up today so I thought she might be bored so took her into town then to the park for an hour to let off steam! She then did her normal I don't wanna leave the park so I had to bribe her but that's fine but since we've got home she's turned into a monster!! She's gone against something I said she wasn't allowed twice in a hour, the first time she did it I had ago at her then she did it again!! She's been shouting at me which I can normally tolerate but she then started kicking and hitting me so I had another go at her!! Little man then starts kicking like mad as if I'm scaring him with my shouting so now I've ended up running up to my bedroom to cry!!
I just don't know how I'm going to cope with 2 children playing me up! Laceys sometimes brilliant but the last few weeks she's really played up but tim my OH says it's me not telling her off enough but I do!! She's good as gold for him so he never sees her playing up!
I just hope she calms down when she starts school or I'm gonna be tearing my hair out!!
Sorry for the long rant but I can't talk to OH bout this as he thinks I'm just being silly :(
ahh bless you, must be difficult with a young one and one on the way, and to top it off OH not being too helpful! sorry i have no experience with this whatsoever, just didnt want to read and run! xxx
oh hun just read this.. dont know what to say.. hopefully someone whit experience will pop in and have a read soon xx
Thanks hun, i feel alot better today! I think Lacey was just having an off day! She's been an angel since!! x x
codie is exactly the same as is my oh, aparently i dnt tell her off enoth but thats not true as i do tell her...i think its a stage they go through little girls most as my mum said i was exactly the same at her age, but the lads was well behaved, she will calm down when she goes to school codie did i still have the odd tantrum but when she does now i can deal with it as shes been at school all day so im more equiped to deal with it if you get me?
Jacob plays up every day hun, he's frustrated coz he cant tell me what is on his mind. When lucas is having a bad day as well i really feel like tearing my hair out but most days are ok. You find a routine and little ways of keeping them quiet. I bet you will be fine chick xx
:hug: you will cope Hun!! My two are younger, the oldests 20m, but she's started playing up recently with jealousy, hitting and stuff! I've just had to introduce time outs, I've not had chance to see if it works yet, but I'm really hoping it does! It can be hard, but if you take each day at a time it really helps! She's the same btw, good as gold at her dads but a nightmare for me!! Must be a girl thing!
My lo's aren't too bad.....most of the time but there's been a few days in the last week I've wanted to run away :lol:

The other evening they kicked off over nothing and both were crying/screaming at the same time :oooo: I kinda though my word imagine a baby into that mix :shock: I blamed tiredness as they went to bed that night and were asleep as soon as their heads touhed the pillows :yay:
when I was pregnant with dolly, monty had a fit in toys r us cos he didnt want to come out the stop an old lady said to me oh your gunna have your hands full and I just brust into tears lol But when they come everything just falls into place and it was much easyer then I thought it would be. And I think you just get use to it my sister comes to visit and says its the mad house lol two kids and a dog runnng about she said when the baby comes shes only coming once a wk haha she loves us really

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