My best mate is called sam, we've been best friends for 16 years and since the day we met we became inseperable.
We've done everything together, always there for each other.. she's the person where all my memories, laughs etc lie with. the first person who found out i was pregnant etc.
And she's absolutely gorgeous.. proper stunning.. me jealous? never

Then I got pregnant... it slowly started drifting apart and I hardly saw her.
Then after Leah was born, she was the one who took me on my first night out (didn't end up enjoying it though, missed leah too much and wanted to come home!) but she started seeing us both more and treating Leah.
We started to meet up every monday when she was off work.
Then about 3 months ago she met a new fella, so again it started drifting apart.. I understood, cos he was a new boyfriend and you want to spend time with them etc.
Then we were texting one night , just general chitchat and she mentioned that she's opening up a new beauty salon, so i wished her good luck etc.
That was 7 weeks ago, since then Ive heard nothing.
I know she's still with her boyfriend as he lives near Leah's dad and Ive seen her car outside the house a few times.
With us being best friends for 16years, naturally she's going to be Leahs godmother, and i said she could be.
But now Im having second thoughts.
She's the sort of person who will click her fingers and i will go running to her (my fault for being soft probably), and Ive been counting the weeks since the last text.. but I didnt want to be the one who made contact first cos it's always that way.
Then last night I go a text - "hiya hun, sorry not been in contact ive been really busy with the shop. hows u n leah, whens the christening again? missed u x"
ok so she's missed me... she's been busy with the shop... but a text takes less than 2 minutes to send. Did she not have time in 7 weeks???
I haven't replied yet/... don't know if i should.
I knew she would get in contact before the christening (2 weeks away) cos she wants to be godmother... so its like she only gets in contact when she wants something.
Now what i don't know what to do is let her be godmother or not.
Becky on the other hand (leah's soon-to-be-stepmum!) has been fantastic.. treating leah as she treats Libby. She buys her allsorts, even nappies & juice/yoghurts.
Please help... what would you do?