Hospital or homebirth?

Hospital for me. I did have the option if home birth but it doesn't appeal to me. I have a dog so know dogs hairs will get everywhere whilst in labour and afterwards I'll like to be looked after properly and rest. At home I wouldn't be able to do that as my
husband is crap and I know I'll end up doing it all and doing too much lol
I would always say homebirth unless the baby and/or mothers life is in danger and therefore need to be n the hospital.

At home is your natural environment where you can be most relaxt, in a hospital there are sick people so more risk of infection or other strange things.
Hmmm this is actually interesting to read as we all have some many different views and questions x
Think its just stuff like epidurals they cant give you at home x

That's good as I desperately DON'T want an epidural! lol! Being at home will mean it's tough sh*t when I start screaming for one! Haha! Might have a word with MW on Fri and see what she says - she's a morbid cow so she'll say no I guess! Haha! x
Im having a hospital birth, Im going to use their birthing room. I dont want any intervention in labour, just intermittent monitoring, but I work with children with complex special needs, and while I know its highly unlikely, being faced with it everyday, I want my baby to be near the SCBU and paediatricians until I know he's well. Its not really a logical decision, but I know Ill be more comfortable there, and i think I need to do everything possible to keep calm :)
btw anyone interested in a Homebirth and really anyone in general should read The Ina Mays Guide To Childbirth, its so empowering and interesting and explains LOADS about what our bodies do etc

highly reccomend :) xx
im dont have a choice i have to have hosp birth but even if i did i would have choosen hospital i feel prob from my first birth experience it too risky and i wont take chances but i know my first experience not the norm for most
btw anyone interested in a Homebirth and really anyone in general should read The Ina Mays Guide To Childbirth, its so empowering and interesting and explains LOADS about what our bodies do etc

highly reccomend :) xx

Ive read it too. Between that and the hypnobirthing book Im going into this really positive, before I got pregnant, and hadnt researched anything I always said Id have an epidural or whatever pain relief, but now there is no WAY Im having anything. I got irrate when I saw my friends pictures oh her in the hospital after she gave birth and she had a canula in her hand and i was like WHY?!? I told me OH Im not having needles in me 'just incase' if I need some kind of drugs they can find a vein there and then!
tiny - can you refuse a canula !? i tried to once and they said that refusing the canula was refusing the drugs that it could provide?!
I would love a home birth- always dreamed of what it would be like, sounds far more relaxing, if such a thing!) as in your own environment - your turf.

I will be having a hosp as had 3 x sections before due to prev Operation:roll:
But I know they do a good job with the delivery, stitching etc X
Hospital cos I have too!! Had probs with my placenta last time so their keeping a close eye on things this time!! Also my Walls are way too thin for a home birth lol
Home for me! Lots of reasons why. Only one choice of hospital, it's known regular ward closures due to bugs which put me right off! I don't want medical interventions especially since I'm due close to to Xmas. I don't want my labour hurried up and running a risk of bad tears or complications just cos the staff wants to go home for their Xmas dinner!
I'm lucky cos i live literally 30secs blue lights away from the hospital so if I need to go in, it is no problem.
Home births sound like a great idea, i seriously thought about it for a little while after i had twins, but it's not for me.
I love hospitals, labour wards and all the other mummies and babies :) i feel safe there and i know that incase something happens they can act a lot quicker then they would if i was at home.
I was induced both times, my first had to be pulled out by ventouse and with twins i had about 20 people with me at all times :) so i would feel as if i was risking both our lives if i stayed at home with two midwives..I know the chances are everything would be ok, but it's just not worth it for me.

also,i find it creepy that once i move out of this house i'll drive by and say 'this is where my baby was born'' :)
Lol my mum had two home births (my brother and sister) and said it was great because she could do everything like a family again the same day :) although I remember the day my sister was born at 5am we had McDonalds for dinner :P
Tiny-I can't believe she had a canula in! I ever had one and I don't know anyone else who has had to have one in! I'd refuse it too! I can't wait for my home birth-I hate hospitals, there beds are uncomfortable on my back and I can do without all the other mothers and babies on the labour ward! Can't wait to just start our family life straight away and I know I'll be well looked after at home because OH is great! I won't have to clean anything up after and OH won't have to leave to go home! Very very excited!!
^^ she was in australia so probably some kind of policy, she didnt need it, she just used gas and air. Mamalove, I was watching 'come dine with me' the other day (trying to 'rest' lol) and one woman went to the hosts house and was like OMG this was MY house. It was really wierd. She sat there in the living room at the dinner party and told everyone that her son was born in that room!! How cool is that?!
I saw that tiny! That was so cool x I don't think it's any weirder than driving past a hospital and saying 'that's where you were born'. Yeah it is policy in oz to have a canula and in USA they go as far to put a complete iv line in!
Am having a hospital birth as it's my first and feel a lot safer that way :)

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