hospital - how long after birth....


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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im planning a homebirth but you never know what can happen so realise i may end up in hospital

how long do you usually stay in after giving birth?
im in same situation and trying to predict all case scenarios....truth is i think you just cant know until the time..... :?
both times I stayed in one night after the birth, I would have been out sooner if Harrison has been born earlier in the day.
My SIL had my nephew at hospital but was out after 3 hours of giving birth - I guess it just depends how things go with the birth x
with James I gave birth at 5.30am sat morning, and was back home sunday afternoon, so just one night.

That was plenty as I couldn't sleep on the ward with all the babies crying, James slept through it all though :roll: It was also so boring waiting for visiting hours to start.

I think it depends on how the labour went, and if baby is feeding ok. They try and get rid of you asap these days though.

I'm hoping to be home from the midwife unit within 6 hours this time :pray:
My hospital reckons if you have a straight forward birth before 3pm you can be out in 6 hours.

If you give birth after 3pm then you come out next morning.

12 hours for assited delivery and 3 days for a section. But I reckon it really just depends on how you are and how things went.
i like to get a nights sleep at hospital b4 coming out. i feel i can get help and advice with issues such as breast feeding and so on. and also its a rest as know when hope more busy.

marie x
If everything goes well, most hospitals like to get you home within 6 hours - unless that would be at silly-o-clock obviously.

With Callum I was home 4 weeks later (but then he was early and I stayed with him) but I myself was dischraged from antenatal ward the same day that he was born and he was born at 10 a.m.

With Caitlin we had to stay in 3 nights as she had a few problems when she was born.
I stayed in 2 nights due to feeding problems & they wouldnt discharge me but i think it would have been 1 night if she would have been feeding ok.
It's worth remembering that if there is a reason you can't/don't have your homebirth or you have to be taken into hospital then you might have to stay longer. YUK!

But we'll be fine, we'll get our homebirths!
was only in 5 nights after birth and he was 6 weeks prem ! woulda been sooner but he had to go on the billi bed for jaundice

My mum was in and out within 24 hours with me (cant say same day as i was born at 11pm), same with my brother, she was out immediately, and with my sister she was in for 10 ays but that was due to her having problems, my mum could have been out the same day.

I have heard of someone who had her first baby a few weeks ago, and was in and outta hospital in 3 hours!! according to her DH that included the birth, but i'd like to see how that happened lol
My hospital has new signs up now saying that if you have a birth with no help and everything is well they'll let you go straight from the delivery ward and don't even need to go to post natal which means you can go home after about an hour :shock:. Depends on the birth really, I had a c section and was out on the 3rd day.
my hospital wanted me to stay in for one night (had connor at 0354) but they pretty much ignored me all day in the post-natal ward, so i pushed them to let me go home that same evening (i'd had pethidine & an epidural).

i'm really glad i did go home - the post-natal ward was like a cattle market, crowded with people coming and going all the time...

we had big feeding problems though, so part of me wonders whether they would have been as bad if i'd stayed in... but then connor has only just learned to BF without assistance in the last 48 hours, so if they hadn't let me home before we'd cracked it, we'd have only just been allowed to leave!! :)

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