hospital birth or home birth?

I like the idea of a homebirth but since its my first I will def be at the hospital incase of any complications (and the good drugs they have there as TBird said!) x
I wanted a home birth with my last child and had everything organised, but a day before i gave birth mw rang to say they had a lot of other ladies due or in labour also wanting a home birth. I ended up in hospitol as they had no one available and then mid labour they said i could go home as they no had mw free. As i was in hospitol already i decided not to move. I was really disappointed though and found the labour difficult to cope with as i felt unprepared and let down. Cannot decide this time, think i'll leave it a little longer until i make up my mind.
I would love a home birth but like a few others this is my first so I would probably be advised to give birth in a hospital
i would love a home birth but my first pregnacy i had a c section so i would have to be monitored and even tho there is a hosp close by so it wouldnt be a huge problem my second pregnancy my son had his first poo inside me and needed to be all sucked out of his thoat and he needed oxygen - i know its not to say it wouldnt happen again but . . . i think i would be too scared to have a home birth if i got pregnant again . . .
I would love a home birth but like a few others this is my first so I would probably be advised to give birth in a hospital

This is my first and have been nothing but encouraged to have a home birth :)
I was just about to say the same as Rowes - you're not discouraged when it's your first. The reason my hubby has had a change of heart about us having a home birth is because him best friend and wife are planning a home birth with their first. :)
This is my third and I would love a home birth, wanted one with my eldest but he was induced so didn't really have the option. My second I opted for hospital, looking back it was a silly reason but at the time scared me witless, my younger sister was pregnant at the same time but her baby was born alseep so I was worried something would happen to imine.

I am seeing my MW in a few weeks for my first appointment so will definitely be discussing home birth with her, husband isn't keen at all. Keeps saying hospital is the best place incase something goes wrong but keep telling him my last two pregnancies were really really easy and I had really good births, just gas and air so I can't see why this one will be much different touch wood. Hopsital is only a 10 minute drive in traffic too. Another reason I want a HB is baby is due in august so the boys will be off school and don't want the hasssle of having to farm them out lol. Lets hope my MW agrees and everything goes to plan x

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