Home Birth/Hospital birth?!

I really wanted a home birth but hubby isn't keen. The relaxing aspect of being in familiar surroundings appeals to me the most I think.

If DH wasn't so against it I'd be having one. I only live 5mins from hospital so I figured if things went wrong I wouldn't be too far away from assistance.

I chatted with the midwife about it and she asks me every time I go if I have decided yet so you have plenty of time to work it out :)

My hubby was dead against it too, we rowed about it at the start until I got admitted for kidney stones at 19 weeks, he then realized why I was so against a hospital birth and totally changed his mind, just a shame my LO made an unexpected early appearance and we had no choice but to go in! Was the best place under the circumstances though. I'm a bit old fashioned that way and think hospitals are for sick people and those in need whereas giving birth is natural. These birthing centers are a great alternative though and worth thinking about, they should open more round the country.

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