hospital birth or home birth?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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has anyone thought about where they want to have there baby yet? iv been thinking and i would love a waterbirth but i no ill be living in a flat when babys born so a home normal birth would be more ideal. What are your views/choices? x
I am lucky to have all options open to me - hospital, birth centre (MW led) and home. I've done hospital and birth centre and now hoping for a home birth. I'm not that fussed for a water birth although I found the birth pool really good in my birth centre labour. So I have bought a birth pool but I expect to give birth on 'dry land' hopefully at home :)
I'm hoping to give birth in the midwife led birthing unit at my local hospital. It's attached to the main consultant bit so if there are any problems it's easy to move but I like that it will hopefully be a bit more relaxed. The only potential problem is that there are only 3 rooms in the MLU, so if they're all full when I'm in labour it's tough really lol xx
I'll be at the maternity centre here in Northampton - I was hoping for a home birth but as it's my first and could potentially have bp problems it's been "suggested" (read I didn't really have a choice!) by my mw that I go there. She knows best though so fine with me! I've heard it's good there but very busy, so am looking forward to the tour!!
I think a birth centre is a nice middle ground. Not that Ive ever given birth but just from the research Ive done. Im lucky cos my hospital has a midwifery led maternity unit which is brand new, has 6 rooms, 4 pools and double beds so OH can stay over with you and get some sleep (yeah right!). The consultant led unit is down the corridoor so any problems and Im straight there. I think I need that reassurance.
I'm planning on the hospital to be honest, it's my first and don't want any complications.

Mind you, did anyone hear about the couple who had their baby in their own car. The car was a Kia and they named their little girl Kia. So the car company Kia, sent them a brand new car because they named their daughter after the car company. Wonder if I had my child in the back of our car and named him or her Ford, I would get a brand new Ford? lol. Seriously though, I would never name a child Ford.
Oh I hope my OH doesnt hear that story, he'll want to call our baby scirocco!
Yeah mines gonna be called Range Rover Sport.....:lol:
im going to have a home birth i think not decided properly yet. mw says im a great candidate for home birth cause had no probs with my 2 boys.

going to have a think about it prob be at home dont fancy the journey to hospital again lol
I would love to have that option open to me but as I had an emergency c-section last time I will be monitored this time in hospital - its going to be a natural birth hopefully :)
i want a home birth but with my daughter i bled alot so i dont know if i will be able to or not x
Did you need a transfusion Becks? If you lose more blood than they are comfortable with, they'd transfer you. :)
No i didnt thankfully! Can they do stitches at a home birth? x
Yes. Obviously MWs wouldnt stitch you if it were a very severe tear but they do small ones. TBH I had a tear and they didnt bother stitching it at all. They try not to if possible.
Oh God, hospital every time - they have the good drugs there you know.
When my son was born he had the cord wrapped twice round his neck and was born with an apgar of 4. I had a heamorrage, episiotomy, tear, some sort of wee based problem.
Also in hospital they cook and bring you your meals, you even get to choose what you want to eat - luxary!
Also in hospital they cook and bring you your meals, you even get to choose what you want to eat - luxary!

That happens in my house!! In the hospital I was lucky to get tea and toast! :lol:
home hopefully, as the MW led unit is small here...

....I want my own things around me (and my freezer and bread bin :lol:)

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