Hospital bags list...


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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So time for me to start with at least making a list.

Panties (10)
Socks. (3)
Going home clothes
Shower gel
Intime gel
Wet wipes
Black big towel
Dirty clothes laundry bag
Breast pads
Bra (1)
Cardigan for inside the hospital
T-shirts (2)
Hair conditioner
Hair clippers

A backpack
Photo camera
A pair of panties, t shirt, socks for oh
Maternity health papers, birth plan etc
Wallets, IDs., change for the automatic machines.

Baby bag (the changing bag)

4 vests newborn
3 pajama newborn
Blanket, swaddling blanket
Burp clothes
Wet wipes
Bum cream
Nipple cream
Changing mat
Hat, scratch mittens, socks

Back up bag ( will stay in the car and my oh will bring it in I'd we need to stay more than 1-2 days)

2 t shirts for me
1 jogger
10 panties
More pads
More vests, pajamas, diapers for LO
Some 1-3 clothes for LO

Ok what do you all think? Anything major I forgot ???
Change for vending machines/coffee machines or payphone if no signal.
Spray mist or handheld fan to cool you down.
Lucozade or other energy drink (not fizzy).

That's all I can think of that isn't already there! xx
I think the midwifes have everything needed like flannels etc that you CBS use with water to cool you down if needed.
Change for the automatic machines is an excellent idea adding that now
Thanks :love:
Slippers or a dressing gown? you might like to think about taking your own pillow if you are particular about it, the hospital that I'm going to advises that we do as they dont have many - its a brand new hospital too! x
I have slippers on my list by hate dressing gowns. I will use a cardigan though.
Norwegian hospitals are quite well equipped. I Doubt that I even need anything else that a toothbrush lol.
My list looks massive ? No idea where ammo going to for all that :(
Oh you are so right those too
ive packed some Nutri Grains, lucozade bottles and nature valley bars for energy snacks.
Cheaper than hosps too lol
I would pack a few more vests and baby gros! And u will prob only need newborn! Unless u eave been told ur baby is huge!

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Terri I was told on 2 scans that the bean is +2 in head and +2 on the tummy, they still considered all normal :roll:
I don't really know what to think, maybe I just get newborn clothes and throw some bigger ones in an emergency bag that will be in the car? How many though do you think I need???
Yeah putting them in the emergancy bag sounds a good idea! Ille prob pack 3 vest and 3 gros and im only planning on staying 6 hours :)

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Oh dear lol!!! Why on earth will need 3 sets lol! Messy baby!!!!
And I am planning on staying at least 2 days lol...
I would put a few extra vests in hope babies first few nappies can be quite messy and get everywhere! X
Right!!!! Oh my good thing I have all you !!! I have no idea what I am doing here aren't I?????
Thank you :love:
You will be a natural! We all have to start somewhere. I just remember being shocked by the amount such a tiny baby could poop lol it's also like black glue so really clings and gets everywhere if lo is a wriggler. X
Amy how many diapers you think I
Need per day at hospital? I am afraid even to ask lol!!!
I would bring a small pack with you Hun they are so unpredictable in the early days. I think it's more so poop wise as they are clearing out there systems I know I went through alot but if you bring in maybe 8 to start with if you don't want a big bulky bag hubby can always bring in more x
I need to start getting organised!! x
Manage to do the beans bag!!!! Still need to put a nipple cream in there and a hand gel.
I finally got 2 vests newborn, 1 vest 0-3,
1 pajama 1-3, 2 pajamas newborn, a swaddle blanket, a muslin cloth, a burp cloth, a washing cloth, bum cream, wet wipes, a changing mat, a wet bag, 2 sleep hats, one outside hat, a pair of socks, a pair of mittens, a pair of soft
hand knit shoes, a blanket, soft tissues, nipple shields, a bottle, a pacifier.(I will sterilize those 2 eventually at some point).
Hopefully I didn't forget anything??
Oh and yes diapers don't seem to fit in there so they will go in my bag I suppose?

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