Hospital appointment :S


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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I have the hospital in the morning (Monday) and im really starting to get nervous. its about having Group B Strep and not too sure what to expect :( Please all wish me luck and i will update you when i get back :hug: x x x
Good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine tho - my SIL had Strep B and both her boys were born lovely and healthy, there was some extra checks etc. but overall they were fine.
just remember, they discovered that you had it early and therefore they can treat it. try not to worry about it they know what they're doing and both you and LO will be fine. good luck today, keep us posted xx
good luck hun hope they put your mind at rest :hug:
good luck hun, i'm sure its just procedure stuff :hug: :hug:
let us know how you get one :D
good luck hun! I'm sure everything will be fine!

take care and let us know how it goes :hug:
:wave: girls.. well... nothing too exiting at all really, he just wrote me a perscription to pick up the drugs ready for the midwife. he didnt explain anything i dont know anything more than when i went in there :wall: i just had her heartbeat checked and my BP then he came in and sait hi, here you go, bye! :roll:
consultants really are useless, aren't they? :roll:
Yeppp! :roll: iv been up since 4am with backache had a hour long bath then couldnt get back to sleep so i think im off to bed for a nap :bored: :sleep: xx
aww hun, sorry to hear :(
get some rest and hope you feel nice and refreshed after your nap :sleep: :D
Thanks hun.. can i just ask one question who has a headache an feeling sickness? im feeling pretty crappy and very weak :think:
bet that was disapointing, on a plus side thought they are obviously confident everything will be ok otherwise i doubt they would let you carry on with your homebirth so thats good news :hug: :hug:

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