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Horse Riding?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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I mentioned to my mum today about going horseriding somepoint soon before I am too heavily pregnant.. And she flipped! Telling me how dangerous it was for the baby and such..

Im only 8 weeks.. And I am an experienced rider.. Apart from the risk of a fall.. Are there really any other dangers with it?
I swear my friend was riding/competing until she was 3/4 months. Told me her sister in law rode lots when pregnant too.

Obviously riding a well trained horse is much safer- no risk of the horse bolting so much.'

yes there is a risk but you should be fine, especially if you ride all the time. If your not a rider, or don't ride often then I would say no, don't do it. My friend rode every week so it was ok for her to continue- though she was careful not to ride the ones tht hadn't been broken in yet.

I probs wouldn't want to risk it, but that's because it's been a long time since I have been on a horse. I think the docs say that it's safe to continue an excercise you had been doing before your pregnancy, but it's best to not start a new one when pregnant- or did I learn that from the sex and the city film? Lol
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My dad is a GP and said I could carry on riding no probs, he said he's never seen someone lose their baby cos of horse riding but has seen car crashes do lots of damage (sorry not cheery but you know what he was getting at). I'm not riding but only because the mare I ride is very tempremental and can have funny moments in traffic, stuff I didn't worry about when not pregnant but now feel like because I don't fully trust her to take care of me I don't want t risk it. If your happy with the horse you ride I would say keep riding whilst you want to. And enjoy-I'm missing it already :)
To me, it's not worth the risk. But then I had a very serious accident riding and nearly lost Niamh at about 18 weeks. I couldn't believe afterwards that I'd risked it.
My Auntie broke her waters whilst horse riding, she swears by it! lol!

I personally wouldn't but depends how much you trust the horse. I'd be petrified of falling off x
I rode for a couple of weeks knowing I was pregnant but have recently been suffering with dizziness and feeling faint so don't wanna get that while on board! Plus my mare can be a little argumentative sometimes and it's just not worth the risk to me!
i have my own horse but have not ridden since i found out last week. i have ridden for just over 23 years so have loads of experience but i have mc twice before so wont be doing any thing to put this one at risk. my horses is going to be lunged for a while now x
Like some have said if it is an exercise you did before you were pregnant and you are quite confident/experienced at it then carry on with it. Thats exactly what my mw said when I was worried about doing normal exercises whilst pregnant.
At the end of the day its your choice. No one can make you do it or stop you.
But look at all the pros and cons before you do. Only you can decide hun. X
I have two ponies, only one is ridden at the moment and i am still riding and loving my time out and getting some fresh air whilst enjoying the country side. This is my chill out time.

The only difference is i normally ride ever day, but since finding out i am pregnant i haven't stressed if i miss a few days during the week that i can't ride, due to feeling sssssoooo tired.

I think it is a personal choice and i hope to carry on as long as my body says it is ok. Mum rode until she was 7 / 8 months pregnant with me.

I am not jumping anymore since finding out.
Just got back from Badminton - brilliant! Such gorgeous horses.
I went yesterday Frankie707 and despite the freezing cold, the rain stopped when we arrived and had a fab day, but boy are those cross country fences huge. Glad you had a great day.
i missed badminton this year, but back to the riding while pregnant i have always been advised that if you were riding regularly for at least the 6 months before finding out you were pregnant then by all means carry on just take it easy, no jumping etc and always ride under supervision just in case something happens. But if you weren't riding regularly before becoming pregnant the advice was to not ride at all, but as far as i am concerned if you feel confident in your ability and the horse then i don't see why you shouldn't ride as far into the pregnancy as you feel comfortable. Even the pro riders carry on throughout pregnancy they just don't compete or jump etc.
Omg PF hates me, Just wrote a huge reply and it deleted it lol. I went to badminton aswell this year! Was fantastic!

Have decided that I will ride occasionally when feeling up to it, The tiredness has kicked in big time this week. My auntie keeps horses aswell so she is going to look after my two crazy buggers :p (I love the slightly loopy ones, Always a challenge and lots of fun!) and I will take one of hers out every now and again when feeling up to it, Hers are sweet little bombproof things, Dont think ive even been near a horse classified as anywhere near safe in a LONG time lol!

Even when I was learning how to ride, I always ended up on something ddifficult, and my instructer started choosing the problem horses on the yard for me to ride cause I stick like glue, and tended to have a knack with them to get them going nicely. One in particular (Which I know own) is aggressive to other horses.. and people.. all except me :) I was there when it first arrived at the Riding School, and the Owner was just shaking her head because none of the instructers or trainers could go near it, I wandered up and it was fine hehe.

Anyway.. I got a bit carried away there.. Thanks for all the advice!
this thread makes me miss horse riding so much, can't wait to get back into the saddle and have little one join me when she's older too :D
My friend miscarried two years ago while walking her horse, he reered up and yanked her over , and she started bleeding (gushing) then and there, and had lost the baby, (12/13 weeks )

The poor thing is still trying to fall pregnant again now, about two years on ....
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Eek that's scary JJ Mum! Luckily my pony is a doddery old lady on the ground.
When I worked at a horse yard one of my colleagues got pregnant and carried on working with the horses all the way through, even some of the not-so-well-behaved ones! I thought she was mad :)
i have t be honest and hope i dont offend but i think your all bloody crazy to be riding all it takes is one small fall and your baby could be gone is it really worth it
I agree with serenity here i'm afraid. Have ridden all my life and always loved the nutters.. When i fell pregnant with my son I had a 5yr old irish TB who i loved to pieces, had broken him myself and had him since he was just 6 months old. He was great, a bit 'fizzy' shall we say but a nice horse. I was getting him out of the field and he spooked at something. He didnt drag me off or anything but as he spun round he barged me and I was about 6 inches from being squashed into the gate. Horses, whether you have known them 20 years or 2 minutes are live animals, and blooming big powerful ones at that! They dont need to be nasty or naughty to hurt you by accident and I think that if you had an accident around them you would never forgive yourself. Its not just riding thats dangerous, its being around something so powerful that has a mind of its own.

Think of all the extra precautions we take with everything else while pregnant!! Might just be me but there is no way i'd risk my baby for a hack out!
I agree with serenity too. When I fell pg with DD I had been riding since I was 10 but I stopped the instant I found out. Nothing was worth the possibility of losing my baby. All animals are unpredictable even if you've known them for years and years.
And how many of you cross a road every day, or drive a car? To me its a pretty similar risk, especially with the way seatbelts work in an accident.

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